Anzeige der Dokumente 184-203 von 2369

    • At-Risk students prediction using machine learning 

      Ledain Gentillon, Reginald (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      This article intends to discover how machine learning can be used to predict at-risk students during the school year. Different algorithms were tested within a common framework to compare their accuracy and their ...
    • At-Risk Students Prediction Using Machine Learning 

      Ledain Gentillon, Reginald (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      This article intends to discover how machine learning can be used to predict at-risk students during the school year. Different algorithms were tested within a common framework to compare their accuracy and their ...
    • Atomic Batteries Explained, How They Work, and their Applications 

      Piñeiro, Miguel Ángel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      Abstract - Batteries are found in practically all mobile human inventions from the automobile to the mobile phone. This particular power source is a fundamental part of the modern world. Since the 1800's this technology ...
    • Attribute Data Treatment of Automated Inspection Vision System For Product Mix-Up Detection 

      Nieves Santiago, Jorge L (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      The pharmaceutical industry continues to grow at an exponential pace, with number of medications being mixed, molded, stamped, and packaged every day in the millions. Regardless of the amount, the margin for error never ...
    • Audio Fingerprinting with Robustness to Pitch Scaling and Time Stretching 

      Díaz Millet, Yesenia (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Current audio fingerprinting systems are becoming increasingly robust against noise and filter distortions, however songs that have been pitch scaled and time stretched are still likely to pass undetected. This research ...
    • Audit Process Optimization in the Manufacturing Area 

      Ortiz Martinez, Alexander (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      This project was developed to demonstrate a viable audit process optimization in the manufacturing area. The AbbVie site ubicated in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico,started with only one product back in ...
    • Aumentar la Productividad y las Ventas de la Gomera Rivera 

      Velázquez Badillo, Tatiana (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      La Gomera Rivera en San Sebastián tenía problemas en cuanto a la cantidad de clientes, productividad de los empleados y tiempo de espera de los clientes. Además tenía muy poca mercancía y no era muy conocida por el tiempo ...
    • Aumento de la capacidad del teletrabajo en tiempos de pandemia COVID19 

      Santana, Emely (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Este proyecto analiza y trae soluciones de conexión de acceso remoto para la compañía Cementos Colón, la cual se ha visto afectada en sus operaciones al carecer de un sistema remoto que le permita a los empleados trabajar ...
    • Aumento de la confiabilidad de las subestaciones: UASD, Matadero y Centro de Operaciones de Herrera 

      Monegro, Misael P. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Edesur Dominicana es una empresa de distribución de energía eléctrica, perteneciente al estado dominicano, donde su zona de operación es la parte sur de República Dominicana. Al tener en los últimos años una cantidad de ...
    • Aumento en entrega a tiempo al cliente en línea de producción 

      Ramos Guadalupe, Alvin (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      El aumento en entrega a tiempo es un factor esencial para mantener relaciones comerciales con el principal cliente de la corporación. Cambios de órdenes prolongados, desorganización en la línea de manufactura y la falta ...
    • Authenticity Access and Temperature Monitoring of Students to the Public System of the Puerto Rico Department of Education 

      González Hernández, Javier (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      This project consists of creating a system to authenticate and monitor students' temperature at the entrance of a school. The system will have a student's ID barcode scanner, temperature measurement, hand washing, ...
    • Automate Palletization Process in a Manufacturing Company 

      Rivera Morales, Nelson Jr. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      For the last 20 years, the manufacturing industry company has been revolutionized with process improvements, many methodologies like continues manufacturing, and among many others, the revolution of the automatization. ...
    • Automated Data Acquisition using Microsoft Excel 

      Martínez González, Luis F. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The process of Web Scraping allows the automated extraction of data from an entire website and turn it into a tabular dataset that can be used for reporting and analysis. There are numerous techniques and tools for web ...
    • Automated Hydroponic System Design with Minimal Human Interaction 

      Santos De Jesús, Omar X. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      The design of an automated hydroponic system follows from the need of having a system that works through difficult situations. A situation involving a power outage is considered a major problem since the plants in the ...
    • Automated Potting Machine: Design, Development, and Implementation 

      Rivera Berrios, Steven D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      Curtis Instruments, a renowned pioneer in the electronics industry, operates a manufacturing site in Carolina, Puerto Rico that is a vital component of its global supply chain. Despite being at the forefront of technological ...
    • Automated Services Order System 

      Díaz Carcache, Rafael E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      It is very common to see that in many restaurants, whether they are economic or gourmet, the customer always has a problem when ordering or paying for his order. Some of the reasons for these situations can be caused ...
    • Automatic Document Digitalization: DocDigitice 

      Rivera Acevedo, Ramón J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      In today’s technological era, the use of cloud computing and cloud storage has become the norm for many big companies. This is no different for Health Insurance Organizations that are regulated by various corporations such ...
    • Automatic Documentation Generation Tool for Software Integration Phase in NGPF Program Engines 

      Torres Martínez, Marycarmen (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The actual process of HardwareSoftware Integration [1] takes too much time for completion due to the required documentation, and that is costly for the customer. Creating this tool help us to reduce significantly the ...
    • Automatic Syringe Mechanical Power Transmission Improvements 

      Mateo De La Rosa, Ruddy A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      A company that manufactures medical devices, and which is located in the south of Puerto Rico, is presenting problems in a high-speed automatic syringe inspection line. The syringes are transported through conveyor lines ...
    • Automatic Tank Gauging System: A Next Generation Tool for UST 

      Rosa Rosario, José J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      A settlement between the United States and Total Petroleum Puerto Rico Corp was agreed to improve leak detection in their gas service stations. The automatic tank gauging with a centralized monitoring system is the method ...