Now showing items 21-40 of 112

    • Aplicación de Gestión de Recursos Informáticos 

      Villanueva Rivera, Alberto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Actualmente, tanto en Puerto Rico como a nivel mundial, existe un auge en el uso de equipo informático en pequeñas y medianas organizaciones. Debido a esto, es necesario tener un control de la existencia física de estos ...
    • “Easy Checkbook” 

      Ramírez Colón, Orlando (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Por lo general muchas personas tienen problemas llevando sus cuentas bancarias al día ya que cuadrar una chequera es un poco complicado y conlleva mucho tiempo. Este trabajo puede ser más fácil para los clientes con ...
    • Crímenes del Nuevo Siglo: Crímenes Cibernéticos, Abuso Cibernético, Acecho Cibernético, Pornografía Infantil y otros 

      Ortiz López, Carlos R. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      La tecnología ha acaparado la vida del ser humano a pasos agigantados. Es un hecho que la informática, como parte de dicho surgimiento, también se ha vuelto parte de nosotros. Pero con tal crecimiento, también han ...
    • Industrial Espionage: The Cyberspace War 

      Rivera, Dimitrius F. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      As you may know, the World Wide Web has become an essential part of our everyday lives. Electronic communications, storage systems and computer networks in general have given us the freedom to do things we never thought ...
    • Analyzing Web Application Attacks: Understanding the Damages 

      Meléndez Ortega, Javier (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      This project will demonstrate the damages that can occur by different web application attacks to aid users with the knowledge of disasters and let them know why security is so important. If you don't know what the ...
    • Banking Customer Data Analysis 

      Peralta Santiago, Anibal D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      This paper focuses on making a Data Mining analysis on customer data from a bank. We try to apply different methodologies and prove some concepts using data. Some of the goals of this analysis is to produce results ...
    • Teaching Basic Cryptography Concepts through the Creation of a Cryptographic Learning Tool 

      Arroyo-Serrano, Celedonio (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Cryptography is a common technique used to assure data confidentiality and integrity. With the development of a tool designed to provide basic information and capabilities of cryptography, we can reduce the time that ...
    • Meeting the CAE IA/CD Knowledge Units Requirements for the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico 

      Darabi, Diana M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      The current information security field has gone through tremendous growth over the years and is continuously changing. Today the threats on information security systems are sophisticated, prevalent, have the potential ...
    • Physical and Infrastructure Security IT 

      Ramos Santa, Carlos H. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      This article summarizes all of the important aspects to consider when managing physical security and IT infrastructure issues. To include natural disasters, environmental, technical and threats caused by human interaction ...
    • The Design of a Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Procedure for a Banking Institution 

      Marrero Otero, Ludrián J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Regulations in banks are changing constantly and becoming stricter. Threats and technologies are improving. Most antivirus software update their virus definition when the malware is released and attacking. Banks need ...
    • Portable HoneyPot & HoneyNet: Within a Closed Network 

      Concepción Rivera, Héctor D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      At any given time a business network could be or has been compromised by a hacker or its information been exposed or breach. This is why building a honeypot and understanding how to use it can help network security ...
    • “EZ Farm” 

      Lozada Fernández, Gilberto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Por lo general muchos pequeños negocios especialmente en el área de la Agronomía de Puerto Rico tienen problemas llevando sus cuentas al día ya sea por la falta de organización o por falta de las herramientas necesarias; ...
    • Ethical Hacking: Network Protocol Analyzer Tool Comparison 

      Vélez Villegas, Melvin (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      The computer security industry spoke about the term “ethical hacking” to describe a hacker with authorization to, without any bad intentions, attacks a network or other security system – whether private or public – on ...
    • Florida Hospital Centra Care Provider Performance Data Mart 

      Díaz Díaz, Marbin Noel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Querying a transactional database for aggregates reports can result in poorly responding queries and reports. Developing a data mart is a highly effective solution to overcome these limitations. This paper demonstrates ...
    • Honeypots as Computer Forensics Tool 

      Avilés Lugo, Marcos (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Cybercrimes were increase in last years. In a near future majority of crime will be cybercrimes. The new technologies like mobile device and networks permit easy access to electronic devices that have Electronic Stored ...
    • Assessing SQL Server User Vulnerability and Data Loss 

      Medina Ríos, Sergio G. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      By using the tools provided by SQL server we are going to verify some parameters on the database user accounts to determine their vulnerabilities. Run scripts to check if the users have their account passwords set to ...
    • Using Wireshark in a Medical Office 

      Pesquera Marrero, Luis A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      This project is about sniffing the packets in a secured network with electronic health record (EHR) while using Wireshark. I suspect that the packets and the network are going to be encrypted and it won’t be possible ...
    • Using Frequency Analysis to Decrypt Monoalphabetic Ciphers 

      Rodríguez Laborde, Omar (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Over the past few years’ technology has taken over society. Everyone uses technology. It makes everything easier, such as paying bills, buying food or any stuff that you use in your daily basis. People tend to store ...
    • Desarrollo de la Política de Seguridad de la Información: Cabrera Auto 

      Sevilla Maldonado, Jennifer (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      Actualmente las empresas de venta y renta de autos enfrentan una serie de cambios que las obliga a generar nuevas estrategias para la protección de la información que custodian. El aumento en casos de fraudes bancarios ...
    • IoT Vulnerabilities in SCADA Systems 

      Rivera Barbosa, Jose (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) is an infrastructure of interconnected objects, people, systems and information resources together with intelligent services to allow them to process information ...