Implementing Quality Management Techniques into a Dental Office for Improving Performance of the Operations
Abstract - The objective of this research is to improve operations of a dental office by the application of Quality techniques. In this research, the performance of the actual process was evaluated and categorized to achieve a desired improvement by the application of Lean techniques and Six Sigma tools to overcome a defect. A survey was handed to 48 patients to measure satisfaction and to collect feedback related to the process; other survey was handed to the dentist to collect additional data. The use of field observations and monitoring allowed the base for the development of ideas to solve the defects identified by the quality techniques. Further definition and organization of the process was determined to ensure the process flow with minimum amount of bottleneck that resulted extensive waiting times and increased cycle times. The overall cycle time of the process was reduced by 27% and the patients waiting time reduced by 20 minutes, resulting in an improved customer satisfaction.
Key Terms - Dental Office, Lean Techniques, Six Sigma, Waiting Time.