Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Automatización del Proceso de Creación de Cotizaciones y Facturas Utilizando Aplicaciones Web Desarrolladas Utilizando PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 y MySQL 

      Pagán Rivera, Christian (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Facturación, aspecto crítico de cada negocio ya que es la última impresión que una compañía le da al cliente luego que una venta es completada. Para una toma de decisiones efectiva es crucial tener de forma accesible ...
    • Customer Support Tool 

      Castillo Rivera, Francisco J (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Small sales companies rely on their customers’ satisfaction after sale has been made. A big part of a customer satisfaction relies on the customer support given to them after the product has been sold. The problem with ...
    • Deployment of Emergency Response Networks, a Web Application for Management 

      Candelario Soto, Neftalí (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      With every passing day, more resources become internet dependent. It’s evident that as time passes the share of our daily communications that rely on the internet will only continue to grow. Banking transactions take ...
    • Event Manager Web Application 

      Rivera Ruiz, Rodrigo Javier (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Events can bring a lot of benefits the many people. Events can be used to strengthen the community, build trust, generate revenue, raise money, showcase your venue, build brand recognition, recruitment, collect data, ...
    • My Real Estate Web-Application 

      Garrote Aparicio, Andrés (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      This report is focused on explaining the aim of the My Real Estate web application. Details about the decisions made about the design and development of the tool with the capability to integrate the different tasks that ...
    • Nutri-Fitness Tracker Web Application 

      Negrón Santiago, Josué J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      There are several health programs that intend to help people to drop weight in a natural manner. Novovida Health & Fitness is such a program, which promotes a better eating habit and physical activities in order to ...
    • Performance @ppraisal: Using Empirical Data to Evaluate Job Performance 

      Aponte-Lucena, José A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      The Performance @ppraisal is a threetier web application implemented in the U. S. Probation Office for the District of Puerto Rico to evaluate the job performance of their staff using empirical data extracted from ...
    • Seguimiento de Contratos, Aplicación Web 

      Campana Olivo, Melina (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      Desde hace un tiempo que la integración de la sociedad con las nuevas tecnologías es completa y decir Internet no es ninguna palabra nueva e innovadora. Es por esto, que todos los días miles de personas buscan soluciones ...
    • ZAP Proxy and OWASP Top 10 

      Ramos Flores, Eduard (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      The Zed Attack Proxy is a well-known and popular assessment tool in the cybersecurity community. The Open Web Application Security Project community offers, develops, and maintains the Zed Attack Proxy. The Open Web ...