Analysis and Recommendation of Landslide and Road Damage on State Road PR-167, Km 7.2 Naranjito, PR
The State Road PR-167 segment, where the project is located, is a primary state highway road bordering La Plata River, in the municipality of Naranjito, that serves as a connector between Naranjito and Comerío and represents the primary access to the second one to the metropolitan area. The steep rock slope, with frequent rock falls located on state highway PR-167 Km 7.2 in
Naranjito was identified, and several road damages need to be addressed to ensure the stability of the slope condition and the safety of the road users. The proposed improvements include strategies and counter-measurements to repair and stabilize the
rock slope. These counter measurements include repair works for the damages caused by the rockfall on the roadway and preventive works to reduce the possibility of future damages. Key Terms ⎯ Landslide, Puerto Rico Highway and
Transportation Authority, Repair Recommendation, Rock Falls.