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dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserveden_US
dc.contributor.authorLara Cotto, Carmen M.
dc.identifier.citationLara Cotto, C. (1999). El impacto del paradigma constructivista en la enseñanza de matemáticas, Revista de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 9(2), 39-47.en_US
dc.descriptionVolumen 9, Número 2, Diciembre 1999en_US
dc.description.abstractThe constructivist paradigm offers important implications to educators about the teaching and learning of mathematics. The curricular reforms in the mathematics classroom, in its majority, emerge from constructivist principles. This article reviews the stitches clone on the teaching and learning of mathematics in constructivist classrooms to determine if the educational practices used in the mathematics class are fundamented in the principles of the constructivist theory. The educcitional practices that predominated in these studies were: cooperative learning, use of manipulatives, using problem-solving, active participation and the art of making questions, so the students and teachers reflect about their behavior in the classroom. These strategies are part of the techniques that the constructivist educators recommend to be used in order to facilitate in their students the construction of their own learning. Other important strategies in the development of knowledge are: metacognition, cognitive development and emphasis on the development of concepts, which were not used with the same intensity. However, we cannot conclude from these studies that the students were in valved in all the phases that require the construction of knowledge front the usage of these techniques and strategies in the teaching and learning process used during the studies.en_US
dc.publisherUniversidad Politécnica de Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.ispartofRevista de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico;
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSerie: Publicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico;
dc.relation.haspartSan Juanen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Subject headings--Unassigneden_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Faculty--Researchen_US
dc.titleEl impacto del paradigma constructivista en la enseñanza de matemáticasen_US
dc.rights.holderEsta Junta Editorial y la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico hacen constar y reconoce que los autores de los artículos, obras literarias y artísticas publicadas en esta Revista Politechnê, se reservan enteramente los derechos de autor y de publicación de los mismos para los efectos de cualquier ventualidad literaria, publicitaria o de cualquier índole.en_US

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  • Revista Politechnê
    Revista multidisciplinaria de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico (Vol. 1 | Núm. 1 | Junio 1991 - Vol. 19 | Enero 2018)

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