Reduction of Input to Output Process Time for CFD Processes
The Aerodynamics Department of the company Infotech Aerospace Services had been experiencing large time delays in one of the processes due to a lack of resources, in this case trained personnel which could process the amount of client requests. The specific process was the geometry manipulation and mesh generation steps which are the first two processes required in order
to proceed to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) process, which would provide internal or external aircraft engine analyses. The process required that improvements would be implemented in order to reduce the amount of delays that the process was experimenting, as clients were expressing their concerns since the delivery of results were taking more time than expected. Data
was collected and it was determined that there was a need for multiple employees to be trained in order to perform the defined tasks. Training costs had to be considered when determining to either provide an external or internal training procedure. Once
the trainings were provided and the new requests were distributed among the trained employees, a significant reduction in the process start delays, and therefore, a reduction in client costs was observed. Key Terms ⎯ Client; Geometry; Mesh; Waste.