Implementation of a Cost Function to Model Travel Cost for Shortest Path Routing
Many times, as we travel in a region
from one place to another we start wondering if
there’s a better, optimal path to travel from point A
to point B. In order to figure this out, normally, we
would seek for details of some of the possible ways
of finding such optimal path. However, during our
analysis we then start to see things that are
subjective such as “steep uphills followed by steep
downhills” and we wonder if a path with those
characteristics would indeed be the optimal path
from point A to B. Through this project we attempt
to create a cost function that can help us answer
such question. This cost function would take
terrain data such as latitude, longitude, elevation,
to compute a cost based on constraints subject to
the user’s interest. With this information we intend
to produce a node graph to model a region of
interest in a map that shows the optimal path from
point A to B.
Key Terms ⎯ Bellman-Ford, Cost Function,
Shortest Path, Travel Cost.