Browsing Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 2330
1D and 2D Hydraulic Modeling to Estimate Bridge Scour: A Case Study
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)Scour is the effect of erosion of soil surrounding a bridge foundation due to fast-flowing water. This dynamic phenomenon can be categorized as the most common cause of bridge failures. Therefore, scour depth at piers and ... -
1x16 Post Weld Continuity
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)Laser welding is a critical process of medical device used for the manufacturing process of spinal cord stimulation leads that brings different offenders. The highest for 1x16 family is ... -
The 2017-2018 Evaluation of the National Operational Excellence Index in Puerto Rico
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)Puerto Rico has not participated in the evaluation of the World Forum Competitive Index (WFCI) since 2015; consequently, the Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association (PRMA) created an index to measure productivity on a ... -
3D Printing of Biopolymer Composites Fabricated from Polylactic Acid & Eggshell Derived Hydroxyapatite
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)Hydroxyapatite ( is a naturally occurring mineral form of calcium apatite, which is found in 65 70 of human bones Waste derived HAp is attracting considerable attention due to its excellent biocompatibility and capacity ... -
3D Printing of Conductive Urinary Catheters and their Applications in Electro-Therapies to Overcome Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Biofilms
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)Today, antibiotic-resistant bacteria represent a global health challenge, especially for the control of catheter-associated urinal tract infections (CAUTI). Conventional antibacterial treatment for CAUTI requires a high ... -
3D Vibration Isolation Systems Modeling for Air Handling Units
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)Spring isolators systems are commonly used in a variety of ways in today’s construction industry. They are an essential part of the design of many mechanical systems that are in need of absorbing and dissipating unwanted ... -
3Sb.8 Biblioteca_Serie_Exhibiciones Educativas_Inventario de piezas tainas_Antonio Blassini_Tablas
(Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Biblioteca., 2024-07)Inventario de artefactos taínos en exhibición en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico del Artesano Antonio Blassini. -
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)Poesía: ¿Cuándo te dijeron sé Qué sentiste mientras te ungías, Mientras te tragabas el celeste De todos los universos? ¿Qué hiciste cuándo te llegó el azul, La rosa de los vientos, la estrella polar, El astro para ... -
5S Method Implementation in Power Department’s Warehouse of the Tren Urbano of Puerto Rico
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)The Tren Urbano of Puerto Rico has a lot of material, equipment and tools to make the maintenance works. Many of them are electrical and there is a Power Department to make them. This department has been having problems ... -
5s Techniques to Optimize Classroom Organization
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)This research project was focused in the 5s methodology for the improvement of an elementary classroom. The 5s is defined as a method of five steps that seeks to improve working space, eliminate waste and improve ... -
Acceptance Testing for Thermoplastic Injection Molds
(Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2020)The injection molding process is the most important of all plastics processing processes due to its variety of uses and applications. The primary element of an injection molding process is the mold itself. Molds are expensive ... -
Accommodating expanding company personnel after office building space limit has been reached
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)For this project, the problem of needing to further hire employees after a company has reached its maximum employee limit was considered to be solved. Several options were put to use in an effort to stave off exceeding the ... -
Accurate deliverables bookkeeping for quality audit compliance
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)The inaccurate bookkeeping of deliverables can have a significant impact in a project’s performance. It puts the project manager in a difficult position to track effectively and efficiently the project’s progression and ... -
Acerca de “La virgen de los boleros”
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)La virgen de los boleros (Isla Negra, 2015) es la nueva colección de cuentos del escritor puertorriqueño, radicado en California, Jorge Luis Castillo. La variedad de temáticas, personajes y situaciones enriquecen el ... -
Achieving High Performance Level for Remote Working
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)After the COVID-19 pandemic many employees were forced to work from home. Most of these employees were showing low performance when working remotely. The low performance was associated with the different distracting factors ... -
ACI-HERZOG Pretreatment Plant Effluent Surfactant Reduction
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)ACI-HERZOG is the firm contracted to maintain and operate the Puerto Rico Tren Urbano system. As part of their duties, they are required to wash down train cars periodically. The water generated from the wash down process ... -
Across Space and Time: Architecture and the Politics of Modernity. Patrick Haughey (ED.). Transaction Publishers, 2017.
(School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)Reseña de Jorge Rigau Pérez, arquitecto y profesor de la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico del libro "Across Space and Time: Architecture and the Politics of Modernity". * Portada de ... -
Acuario San Juan
(Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2016)Existe mucha desinformación sobre los peligros del ecosistema marino, las especies amenazadas o en peligro de extición. También debemos conocer sobre el deterioro que sufre este ecosistema debido a las aguas residuales, ... -
Acupuntura Urbana: el Cerro, Naranjito, Puerto Rico
(School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)Acupuntura urbana: El Cerro, Naranjito, Puerto Rico es un ejercicio académico que presenta la Arquitectura como verdadera herramienta de cambio social y a la figura del arquitecto como un facilitador en este proceso. ... -
Adequate Selection of Design Flood Frequencies for the Evaluation of Scour and Scour Countermeasures of Critical Bridges, and their Impact on the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority’s Bridge Program
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)Federal regulations require all bridges, over waterways, to be designed for scour resistance and all existing bridges to be evaluated for scour vulnerability. Scour evaluations are typically based on the hydraulic design ...