Mostrando ítems 321-340 de 2210

    • Continuous Navy Ships Process Improvement: Six Sigma, Lean Thinking, and Theory of Constraints 

      Mojica Medina, Alex A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Long waiting time in the equipment repair process in Norfolk Naval Shipyard is an actual problem. The main cause of this problem is the poor knowledge of the continuous process improvement techniques as Six Sigma, Lean ...
    • Optimización de los Procesos de Calidad en “Rainbow Research Optics” 

      Rivera Ortiz, Yamilka (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Este proyecto se realizó en la compañía “Rainbow Research Optics” y surgió debido a la gran cantidad de piezas devueltas por los clientes en los meses de diciembre 2019 a febrero 2020. Luego de estudiar el problema se ...
    • Diagnóstico del Estado Actual del Proceso de Elaboración y Empaque del Producto Enlatado y Análisis de su Problemática de Sobrepeso Usando Seis Sigma 

      Herrera Ospina, Paola Andrea (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Se estudia el proceso de fabricación y empaque del producto enlatado de Industrias La Coruña debido a que se obtiene un producto con un peso mayor al declarado en la etiqueta causado por la variabilidad en los subprocesos, ...
    • Improving Employee Retention at Pratt & Whitney Puerto Rico 

      Ortiz, Michelle M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      When a company has a major change in scope and culture, the tendency is to grow and adapt. The company in question, Pratt & Whitney, experienced growth but the adaptation has become problematic. Their growth has caused ...
    • Entérate (WI-2023) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Programa de Honor. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2023)
      Información acerca de los beneficios y requerimientos del Programa de Honor. También pueden hallar información de becas, internados, actividades llevabas a cabo por nuestro departamento y anuncios sobre futuras actividades
    • Creación De Sistema Estratégico en Mejora de Productividad y Eficiencia en HSE Company 

      Del Valle, Michelle Marie (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Problemas gerenciales pueden desencadenar situaciones irremediables en un sistema de negocio. Esto sucedió en HSE Company. Malas estrategias, desorganización y no anticipar riesgos hicieron que no pudiera cumplir con los ...
    • Desarenador de flujo horizontal para la planta de tratamiento primaria de aguas residuales PAS Puerto Nuevo, Autoridad de Acueducto y Alcantarillados 

      Hernández Rosado, Manuel C. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Este proyecto se está realizado en la planta de tratamiento de aguas usadas, PAS Puerto Nuevo en San Juan. El problema que se intenta resolver es la acumulación de arena en los clarificadores y el efecto de abrasión en el ...
    • Mejoras del Sistema Pluvial de la Urbanización Villamar, Carolina PR 

      Trujillo Casillas, Luis A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Los desagües pluviales ocasionaron en la urbanización Villamar condiciones de mayor envergadura tales como: el nivel de la Laguna San José estuviese por encima del nivel residencial, inundaciones residenciales, colapso de ...
    • Development of an Integrated Water Management Model to Reduce Water Wastage 

      Cruz Garcia, Juan C. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The increasing water demand, due to the pharmaceutical companies, agricultural and other socio-economic sectors, threatens groundwater resources. This situation represents a limiting factor and it may result in conflicts ...
    • Plan de mejoras de procesos en la creación de ambientes de desarrollo y producción 

      Santana Jorge, José (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      En el 2018, la empresa Seguros de Puerto Rico (SPR) obtuvo una clasificación 4.5 estrella de una agencia federal reguladora del servicio de los planes de salud en los Estados Unidos. Para 2019, SPR tuvo una drástica ...
    • Assessment of Material Availability Support (AMAS) 

      Melo Pérez, Jendry (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Supply Change Management (SCM) processes are critical to meet customer requirements and construction schedule. SCM is responsible for procuring all the necessary material to support construction activities. The main ...
    • Underground Fiber Placement Equipment Maintenance Plan 

      Leonard, Elton Joel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Genesis Communications Inc is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Puerto Rico. The company picked a project to turn losses into revenue in less than three months. The project proposed was the Underground ...
    • Cycle time reduction in an administrative process using Six-Sigma tools 

      Sanchez, Eduardo J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The long cycle time in the outsourcing process of niche skill set has been an obstacle for program execution and customer delivery. The administrative process was addressed with the use of Six Sigma tools to reduce waste ...
    • Improvement of the Software Development Process to Achieve Higher Quality 

      Rivera García, William (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      This article seeks to explore how to take an existing software developing process in the Avionics Department of an Air Force base and improve it so that the product quality is increased and lower the number of defects found ...
    • Surface Residual Process Improvement 

      Torres Ruiz, Sheila J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      A manufacturing plant dedicated to the production of intraocular lens is observing a significant number of defects in their operations which has led to a decrease in the manufacturing yield. The project objective is to ...
    • Supplier Request (SR) Process Streamline and Optimization 

      Santiago Pedroza, Ramón L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The Supplier Request (SR) process is used by the supply base to electronically submit Process or Engineering change requests against the contractual relationship or approved technical baseline. The process is not optimized ...
    • Data Center Monitoring System Upgrade 

      Negrini, Pedro O. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The project was developed at the Headquarters of the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), located at Fort Lee, Virginia, that operates nearly 240 commissaries worldwide. The Agency’s data center was experiencing a high ...
    • Process Improvement of Equipment Support Project Requests 

      García Miranda, Nicole (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      A project request package moves through five different departments: Pre-Induction, Engineering Design, Planning, Material and Execution. The project request package is constantly returned to a previous department for ...
    • Incrementar la capacidad de producción manufacturera en el interruptor residencial auto Q una pulgada 

      Soto Poventud, Luis Daniel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Recientemente la compañía ABB adquirió la división de GE Industrial Solution con la misión de ganar una mayor participación en el mercado de las Américas. A inicios del tercer trimestre del año 2020 el volumen de producción ...
    • Reduction and mitigation of foreign matter observed in product ABC 

      Cardona Gonzalez, Jenniffer M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      During the past three years, a manufacturing company for medical devices on the west side of Puerto Rico has been in the need of evaluating and mitigating the causes behind an increase in complaint incidents reported due ...