• Security at the Expense of Privacy 

      Quiñones Torres, Leira C. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      The security field has been increasing in recent years. Smart devices have enabled people to monitor and be connected remotely to their homes. Therefore, in the technology field, we must provide people with the knowledge ...
    • Asegurar sistemas de automatización y control de edificios contra ataques cibernéticos 

      Meléndez Torres, Ferdinand (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Los ataques cibernéticos a sistemas de IT o tecnologías de la información son comunes y generalmente se originan en la Internet. Los sistemas de automatización y control de edificios (SACE) a menudo están conectados a ...
    • Working from Home and Data Protection 

      Pérez, Omar A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Thanks to the pandemic the new order is working from home. When you work from the office the security of the data is responsibility of you as employee and the corporation to provide a safe network. Maybe you see it but ...
    • Applicability of Swarm Intelligence to UAVs 

      Martínez Ojeda, Natalia Sary (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are atype of aircraft that can be controlled remotely o r programmed to fly in an autonomous way. This project tested the applicability of strategies found in biological intelligenceto ...
    • Is Your Wi-Fi Really Protected? 

      Santiago Laguna, Johnathan R. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      The purpose of thisproject will be testing a tool called ‘aircrack-ng suite’and perfomed a penetration test to a private network. This suite is a collection of tools that allows you to assess the strength ...
    • Signadocs: A Better Way to Manage Documents 

      Hernández Fernández, Kevin (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Signadocs is an online web application with the intent of providing an efficient way of managing documents digitally and keeping track of their status. By using digital signatures and keeping track of a document status it ...
    • Implementation of Data Mining Techniques and Machine Learning Model in Manufacturing Process 

      Vélez Báez, Héctor (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Time in manufacturing process is critical. A lot of manufacturing companies rely on their operator’s knowledge, experience, or random methods to adjust CNC machines. Sometimes these judgements are ineffective and limited ...
    • Performance Evaluation in SQL Server 

      Hidalgo Lorenzo, Simonely (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Adatabase table with millionsof rowscould take a long time to retrieve, insert, update,and delete data. The evaluationin thispaperconsists of create indexes, apply normalization process, and create surrogate key to improve ...
    • Vulnerability Assesment of Puerto Rico’s Health Department Web Application 

      Marrero Cabrera, Alondra (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      As technology progresses in the cyber environment, so do new threats; now, with the Covid-19, pandemic biosafety and biosecurity concerns are even more rigorously scrutinized. The cyber and biological ...
    • The Impact of Segmentation and Overlapping in Feature Extraction for Biometric Human Authentication Systems 

      Varela Rosa, Carla Andrea (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      One of the arduous challenges in Machine Learning is how to extract features withenough information that will simplifythe learning process of classificationmodels;therefore,leading to better predictionsand ...
    • Exploring Distributed Machine Learning System on Raspberry Pi Computer Cluster 

      Torres Torres, Isaac L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      This project explored the use of Distributed Machine Learning (DML) as a potential tool in training times of Machine Learning (ML) models in lower-end computer cluster, to provide alternatives for students and scientists ...
    • Detection of WannaCry using Splunk and Sysmon 

      Motta López, Henry (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Lately, ransomware keeps being an important topic of conversation around the information security communities, as well as politics and economics. It has caused major damage in all these sectors and researchers must keep ...
    • Network Security Assessment – Work from Home 

      Correa Meléndez, Arturo E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      In the past two years, we have seen an increase in employees working from home. This is mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Because of this a study was conducted on a home network that were being used to work from home. ...
    • Image Object Recognition Using Apache Hadoop and Python 

      Del Valle Maldonado, Jaileen (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      The amount of data generated by people each day on social media platforms is increasing at an alarming rate. Studies performed show that approximately 1.5 billion images are uploaded to the ...
    • Authenticity Access and Temperature Monitoring of Students to the Public System of the Puerto Rico Department of Education 

      González Hernández, Javier (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      This project consists of creating a system to authenticate and monitor students' temperature at the entrance of a school. The system will have a student's ID barcode scanner, temperature measurement, hand washing, ...
    • Cracking the Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher 

      Santana, Carlos (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Cryptography is the cornerstone of secure communication. It is the study of techniques by which a message, the plaintext, is transformed into an obfuscated form, the ciphertext. One of the earliest ...
    • Minyx’s Dinner Food Ordering App 

      Mendoza Navarro, Michael J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Smartphone applications are now a massive and valid field for exposure for companies, expansion of consumers’ needs, and convenience for quick and easy access to multiple activities, including gaming, sales, ...
    • La importancia de conocer la seguridad de nuestros sistemas “closed-circuit television” (CCTV) 

      Camareno Mendrell, Gil V. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Este documento explora cómo las compañías manufactureras de cámaras y programas de seguridad aplican el concepto seguridad en sus programas y dispositivos. Se exploró cuáles son las normativas existentes que ...
    • Reverse Engineering Challenges solved step-by-step to demonstrate the many uses of reverse engineering for the Graduate Programs at the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico 

      Maldonado, Joel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      The field of reverse engineering has seen many different applications such as analysis of computer viruses and malware such as trojans, worms, viruses, ransomware, and so on. Other uses involve analyzing legacy ...
    • Informative Overview of Rainbow Hashes 

      Hornedo Martínez, Víctor (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      This article gives an overview for rainbow tables and the results of testing rainbow tables according to the length of the chosen chain. The article presents a password cracking process that contains its own ...