• Algae-Based Carbonated Cementitious Materials and Their Applications in the Concrete Industries 

      Morales Del Valle, Sheidey I.; Santiago, Angela I.; Dávila Flores, Christopher; Pacheco-Crosetti, Gustavo E.; Florián Algarín, Miguel Ángel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2024-08-22)
      This study explores how adding sargassum to concrete affects its compression strength. The research aims to evaluate the potential of sargassum as a sustainable material in concrete production. 84 mortar samples were ...
    • Alternatives for Processing Plastics with Recycle Codes from 3 to 7 

      Cuevas Colón, Bianka J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)
      Solid waste management represents a challenge for Puerto Rico. According to the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (2019), more than half of the landfills have a closure order and only type one and two ...
    • American Sign Language Recognition using Electromyographic Signals via Myo Armband 

      Ramos González, Héctor A.; Vega, Anthony (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Human and computer interaction has become an important tool in the 21 st century One of the most promising technologies for human/computer interaction is speech recognition ( which is a system composed of microphones, ...
    • Analysis of charge and discharge of a Solar Lithium Battery 

      Torres Feliciano, Juan G.; Molina, Ángel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      The purpose of this research is to observe the behavior of lithium batteries when they are being discharged and recharged to compare the data obtained in the experiments with the data provided by the manufacturer. With the ...
    • Analysis of Surface Electromyography Signals of the Arm in Adults 

      Colón, José E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020-11-13)
      In human history, medicine has always sought to improve the quality of life of patients with disabilities by designing what is now known as either an assistive device or prosthesis For a person who has an amputated arm, ...
    • Analysis of the Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials found in Nature for the production of Bone Tissue Scaffold 

      Malavé Rodríguez, Jorge L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      During this investigation, the mechanical properties of three biomaterials found in nature (carrots, bamboo, and grapes) were evaluated to determine if they could serve as prototypes for a biocompatible, biodegradable, and ...
    • Assessment of Structural Damages due to the Earthquakes in Puerto Rico Occurred on January 2020 

      García Torres, Edgardo J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      The objective of this research is to develop a comprehensive classification and documentation of the failures in buildings that occurred in Puerto Rico in January 2020 as a result of the southern earthquakes, determine ...
    • Biomechanical Model of the Hand for Upper Limb Prosthesis Evaluation 

      Ortiz Pérez, Ericka G. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2024-08-22)
      Prosthetic hands provide amputees with the chance to recover their lost abilities, however, there is no comparison made between the movement of a prosthetic hand versus a biological hand. This project aims to create a ...
    • Brownian dynamics simulation method for the study of anisotropic active Brownian particles 

      Medina García, Aurie (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      Colloidal or Brownian particles are tiny particles 1 µm to 10 nm) immersed in a Newtonian viscous fluid and subjected to Brownian motion This motion is due to thermal fluctuations of the fluid molecules that induce irregular ...
    • Carbon Nitride Polymer Nanocomposite Anion Exchange Membranes 

      Graud, Joel; Zambrana, Carla (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)
      This work proposes the fabrication of novel polymeric membranes to overcome some limitations of the existing AEMs, such as their low OH conductivity and poor chemical stability in KOH
    • Cheating in Engineering College Student: Reasons, Techniques, and Mitigations 

      Lebrón Feliciano, Esteban Noel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      On August 2020, the main researcher was selected to be part of the Undergraduate Research Program for Honor Students (URP-HS) within the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico with the assigned topic of cheating (academic ...
    • Comparative Study: Electric Vehicles vs. Combustion Vehicles 

      Soto Pomales, Angélica C. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020-11-13)
      In 2017, a study for Greenhouse emissions discovered that 82% of these emissions are Carbon Dioxide and its main cause is the production of gasoline and diesel for transportation. It’s believed that Electric Vehicles may ...
    • The Continuous Improvement Practices in the Puerto Rican Service Industry Formed Through Mixed Methods 

      Figueroa Rodríguez, Gonzalo (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
    • Correlación entre elasticidad y propiedades eléctricas del hueso cortical seco 

      Rivera Oquendo, Luis A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022-10-13)
      Esta investigación buscó conocer cuál parámetro eléctrico, entre la permitividad y la conductividad, se correlaciona mejor con la elasticidad del hueso cortical seco de los huesos largos caninos. Esto se determinó ...
    • Data Analysis: Disasters, Possible Leverage for Cybercrime 

      Torres Torres, Isaac L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      This investigation explored the topic of cybercrime and its relation to disaster events of natural or man-made origin within the United States from the years 2001 to 2016. By analyzing available public data from both ...
    • Design an Operational Performance Rubric for Emergency Rooms in Puerto Rico 

      Pérez Rivera, Danllelo (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      Hospitals are not effectively measuring their operational execution by using benchmarking tools for comparison analysis The Hospital Association of Puerto Rico encourage the competition of effective operations by comparing ...
    • Development of a Hydrokinetic Turbine for Puerto Rico 

      Rivera Rodríguez, Andrea; Diaz Mercado, Estefan L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020-11-13)
      The island of Puerto Rico has struggled for decades with antiquated power plants that produce excess greenhouse gases In 2017 the delicacy of the overall power system on the island was demonstrated when two Category 5 ...
    • Development of Conductive Gels for Biomedical Applications 

      García Arroyo, Andrea N.; Rondón Contreras, Jairo J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2024-08-22)
      Conductive gels are essential in biomedical applications, particularly in electroencephalography (EEG), but they often cause skin irritations and evaluation interruptions as they dry out. This research explores the ...
    • Dielectric characterization of permittivity, conductivity and loss factors of porcine tissues by impedance spectroscopy 

      Fernández Lozada, Emy J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020-11-13)
      This investigation was performed to determine whether the mean of fetal porcine tissues analyzed by impedance spectroscopy for their properties adhered to the idealized plots The statistical process was with the purpose ...
    • Distributed Electric Propulsion 

      Morales, Ángel; Torres Rivera, Aníbal (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)
      This investigation focused on predicting aerodynamic improvements obtained when air is blown over a wing by six propellers distributed equally along the wing’s span The purpose was to validate a method to implement Distributed ...