Structural Assessment of ASSHTO Girder Bridge Overpass after Traffic Impact to Exterior Girder
Bridges are essential structural
components to a country to connect important
cities, villages to develop the economic and social
of the people. The objective of the investigation was
to evaluate the bridge located in overpass under
normal conditions and the immediate solution was
to close the traffic lane next to the exterior girder
and install a temporary concrete barrier to avoid
traffic in the area affected due to the impact
received in exterior girder. The evaluation of the
bridge was made for inventory rating and operating
rating in each girder. The bending moment and
shear force was computed for inventory rating and
operating rating. The bottom bending stress was
made for inventory rating only. The rating
calculations mentioned were realized under
conditions and traffic lane closed with the
temporary concrete barrier to be compared which
girders were affected with loads redistribution.
Key Terms – AASTHO Girder Bridge
Overpass, Loads Redistribution, Rating Factors,
Structural Assessment.