Structural Capacity Evaluation for Existing Building Previously Repaired
In the review of as-built construction of
one story steel frame with reinforced masonry walls,
a number of aspects on the quality control of the
construction were found to be substandard by falling
to comply with current building code requirements
and construction drawings and specifications. The
designer decided that the most cost-effective and
expeditious approach was to design repairs that
address each issue instead of performing and overall
evaluation of the structure. The objective of the
project is to perform an overall structural capacity
evaluation of the structural design and construction
as well of an evaluation of the structure with
structural deficiencies, and based on those results
evaluates the repairs previously provided, provide
alternative repair of the deficiencies and recommend
repairs for new deficiencies found on the overall
evaluation of the structure in question.
Key Terms ⎯ CMU Walls, Fiber Reinforced
Polymer System, Structural Evaluation.