Continuous Improvement in the Retention and Employment Placement – Link Between Both Processes
For the last decade, the socialeconomic factors as violence, underground
economy, the poverty level of living, high
unemployment, generations depending on subsidies
fund from the United States, has negatively
impacted the education, increasing the numbers of
dropouts students in Puerto Rico. In addition,
regulatory agencies have been increasing their
requirements and conditions in order to continue
the distributions of federal fund (grants) to the
Education Institutions. The non-compliance of the
established standard by regulation will affected the
surviving of a lot of Institutions of Education in the
Island. Based on this situation, the organization
are looking for new strategies and techniques to
maintain the retention process in control This
project has been developed under the Plan-DoCheck-Act, Lean Six Sigma principles and using
DMAIC five-step approach, in order to identify
opportunities to enable the organization to reduce
the overall dropouts students and increase the
retention students that link to job placement.
Key Terms - DMAIC, Lean Manufacturing,
Plan-Do-Check-Act, Retention process, Six Sigma.