Anzeige der Dokumente 1759-1778 von 2303

    • Product Flexibility and Machine Throughput Optimization 

      Oliver Márquez, Pedro J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      For almost five years, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company has been operating an automated manufacturing line with only two full-time (8-hour) shifts, four validated codes/products and left with 28% ...
    • Product Mix Analysis in Manufacturing Line 

      Mercado López, Josean (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      This research project was focused on the Product Mix Analysis of a Medical Device manufacturing line due to a customer complaint. A product mix is a manufacturing defect and is defined as a mix of components/ assembly ...
    • Product Monitoring Improvements Migrating from the Infinity Quality System to an Automatic Interface Data Collection 

      Sambolín Sierra, Christian Omar (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      This improvement project article is intended to demonstrate how a medical device company can improve its inspection process by developing an Automatic Data Transfer Platform migrating from a platform that does not ...
    • Production Improvement for Manufacturing Furniture Company 

      García Lugo, Arturo (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      This project was based on the laminating production improvement for a manufacturing furniture company. Basically, the process consists of the laminated production of wood materials. The lead time and ship dates of ...
    • Production Line Improvement Using DMAIC Tool in an Electrical Production Plant 

      Díaz Marrero, Jessuelly E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      Today, there is much competition between the manufacturers of electronics products. This creates a need for the manufacturers to develop processes that can supply the client demand within a required time and a specified ...
    • Production Optimization in the Packaging and Inspection Process at a Thermoforming Area 

      Carrión Román, Beatriz (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2008)
      This research is conducted in a manufacturing packaging company that makes the packages (plastic trays) for medical device companies. It is intended to increase the packaging and inspection production line by considering ...
    • Production Optimization in the Packaging and Inspection Process at a Thermoforming Area 

      Carrión Román, Beatriz (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      This research is conducted in a manufacturing packaging company that makes the packages (plastic trays) for medical device companies. It is intended to increase the packaging and inspection production line by considering ...
    • Production Performance Increase through Five S Technique on Manufacturing Equipment Tools 

      Colón Ramírez, Christian (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Pharma LLC, a company dedicated to solid drug product manufacturing, performed an assessment and determined they were experiencing overtime cost increases, lower productivity and personnel discomfort with tools and resources ...
    • Productivity and Safety Analysis for a Storm Water System Improvement Project 

      Gracia Salvá, Lohendy (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Productivity and safety are key aspects of any company. A decrease in productivity will reduce or eliminate the profit of a project. An increase in productivity will reduce costs. Safety issues in projects will affect ...
    • Productivity Increase by Means of Critical Process Automation for Edwards Lifesciences 

      Sarraff Pimentel, Rashi (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Due to the boom in exports of medical devices, the effort to maintain product quality has increased, but productivity has remained unchanged. In the free zone industries, direct labor is one of the variation factors that ...
    • Productivity Increase on Manufacturing Line A 

      Grant Tejada, Maria Victoria (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      In company that shall remain anonymous, Manufacturing Line A was underperforming, often falling back in orders. Therefore, the company decided to put in place a project to look at increasing productivity in this high-mix ...
    • Productora 

      Colón, Yara Maite (School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Productora es el nombre del estudio creado por un grupo de arquitectos jóvenes, el argentino Abel Perles, el belga Wonne Ickx y los mexicanos Carlos Bedoya y Víctor Jaime, quienes recientemente han publicado su primer ...
    • Productora 

      Crespo Claudio, Yazmín M. (School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Productora es un estudio de arquitectura ubicado en la Ciudad de México. Sus integrantes, Abel Perles, Carlos Bedoya, Victor Jaime, y Wonne Ickx, desarrollan ideas por medio de exploraciones intuitivas para lograr proyectos ...
    • Prognostics and Health Management Optimization for Commercial Engines 

      Ramirez, Ismael A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The purpose of this project was to determine an existing problem within the work environment of each individual user. During the duration of the project a process improvement initiatives were implemented by using their ...
    • Programa de Auditoría Interna - Inspección de Calidad 

      Rodríguez Hernández, Lila (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      La auditoría interna es un sistema de control de la empresa y consiste en el conjunto de medidas, políticas y procedimientos establecidos en una organización para proteger su activo, minimizar los riesgos, incrementar ...
    • Programa de computadora para diseñar mallas puestas a tierra en las subestaciones de potencia 

      Ramírez Zeno, Pedro I.; Sierra, José L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1995-06)
      Computer program to design grounding grids for power subtations As of today, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREP A) does not have a modem computer program based on the latest technology to design and analyze ...
    • Programa de reparación, reconstrucción y relocalización de casas afectadas por los huracanes Irma y María en Puerto Rico 

      Rodríguez, Mayreni (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Tras el paso de los huracanes Irma y María, los servicios básicos como los sistemas de utilidades y comunicaciones quedaron inhabilitados por un largo periodo de tiempo. Además, las inundaciones provocaron deslizamientos ...
    • Programa emulador de entrenador para los microprocesadores INTEL 8080 y 8085 para las calculadoras programables HP-48SX y HP-48GX 

      Zapata Cancel, Luis A (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1994-12)
      Emulator of a trainer for the Intel microprocessor 8080 and 8085 for the programmable calculator HP-48SX and HP-48GX This article presents the development of a program to emulate the Intel 8080 and 8085 microprocessors. ...
    • Programa emulador del microprocesador MC6800 para correrse en sistemas de computadoras personales basadas en procesadores Intel 

      Arroyo Suárez, Juan (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1991-12)
      This paper presents the development of a program to emulate the Heathkit ET-3400 trainer and the MC6800 microprocessor on an IBM or compatible personal computer. The ET-3400 trainer is the only available tool at the ...
    • Programa para análisis de flujo de potencia para la calculadora HP-28S 

      Sánchez del Río, Ángel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1991-06)
      El programa de flujo de potencia fue desarrollado para la calculadora HP-28S y se basa en el método Newton-Raphson. La versión en esta calculadora se concibe como una valiosa ayuda para el estudiante de sistemas de potencia.