• Plasma Gas Identification Using the Single Langmuir Probe 

      Sánchez, Samuel; Gaudier, Jorge R.; Rivera, Ramón; Colmenares, Franklin; Lleonart, Giovanni; Carrera, Miguel A.; Molina, Omar (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2008)
      A novel method to identify mass composition of plasmas was discovered at Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Mirror Cusp (PUPR-MC) plasma machine using a Single Langmuir probe characteristic. This is a comparative method ...
    • Time Optimization of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Method for Controlled Substances Analysis 

      Espada Colón, Cindy Ann (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      An optimization of the gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method was conducted by establishing a temperature ramp of 150°C, held by 3 min and raising at 12°C/min until reaching 300°C, which from 25.00 min ...