Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Horizontal Fall Arrest and Restraint System Design for High Altitude Construction and Maintenance Work
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
Horizontal fall arrest system design
and implementation for future construction and
maintenance work atop Building 10 of the
International Distribution Center facilities of
Cardinal Health located in Guaynabo, Puerto ...
Enhancements to Cardinal Health NPS Lab to USP-787 Standards
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
As the world develops and populations
expand, new diseases arise at an exponential rate.
This research is based on employing new
modifications to NPS (Nuclear Pharmacy Services)
Laboratory at Cardinal Health, Inc. ...
Cost Improvement Process - LAL Sample Selection Procedure
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
The Cost Improvement Process for LAL (Limulous Amoebocyte Lysate) Sample Selection Procedure was identified with the purpose of reduction of cost and increase in revenue. This process was analyzed and overviewed, estimating ...
CFD-Based Method for Validation of DATCOMand Potential Flow Stability and Control Derivatives
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
DATCOM wasuse traditionally as the method to determine the aircraft downwash, and longitudinal stability and control derivatives for small unmanned air vehicles conceptual designat the Polytechnic ...
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Design for the Urban Areas in Puerto Rico
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines are the preferred and most common method for power extraction from wind. In this study, the researcher will test three different airfoils to design a blade that optimizes ...
Diseño de Programa de Dimensionamiento Preliminar de Compresor Axial de Doble Eje
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
En la actualidad, se están desarrollando en todo el mundo proyectos de gran envergadura relacionados con el desarrollo energético, siendo más comunes los proyectos y creaciones de modelos para la ...
Dynamic Modeling and Control System Design for a Passenger Coaxial Dodecacopter
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
Personal Aerial Vehicles (PAVs) are drones that provide transportation to passengers. The airframe and propulsion systems of a manned dodecacopter, or Personal VTOL Vehicle, were previously developed by ...
Automated Hydroponic System Design with Minimal Human Interaction
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
The design of an automated hydroponic system follows from the need of having a system that works through difficult situations. A situation involving a power outage is considered a major problem since the plants in the ...
New Material and Personal Lifting for Material Management Building
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
A new elevator will be installed in the materials handling building of Lilly del Caribe. For it, a facility commissioning will be carried out, since where the stairs of the building are, it will be installed there. It ...
Simulating the Effects of Static Loads on a Transtibial Prosthetic’s Major Components Made of Composite Materials Modeled on SolidWorks
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
The purpose of this design project was to investigate the effects of weight and durability of a transtibial prothesis modeled on composite materials subjected to loads. The work focused on solid mechanics and modules of ...