R: Color Package
Abstract - R is a software language mostly used of statistical and mathematical purporses. R capabilities are extended by user’s submitted packages. The gColor Package provides R Language a method to solve Systems of Inequation (represented as a matrix) in files created by the Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (SIMACS). The advantange of the gColor Package is the import fo DIMACS files which supports compress (binary) and uncompress (ASCII) format, currently not available in R Language,and the conversion of the data imported from vertices and edges into a an adjacency matrix; allowing users to import graphs from other systems and use it as a matrix object. This document is divided in four sections. The Introduction provides and overviedw of the problem and the justification to the development of this project. The R Language brings an introduction to R. The system of Inequation explains briefly what is it and how can be representd in R. The gColor Package explains the structure of the package. How the package was build and integrated with R is explained in section Building the Package.
Key Terms - ASCII, CRAN, DIMACS, Dynamic Link Library (DLL)