Automatic Document Digitalization: DocDigitice
In today’s technological era, the use of cloud computing and cloud storage has become the norm for many big companies. This is no different for Health Insurance Organizations that are regulated by various corporations such as the Commissioner of Insurance of Puerto Rico. They require extensive documentation of every document that is sent and received. The goal is to design a multi-system application program for the Health Insurance Organization. The primary purpose will be created, facilitate, and improve the process of digitizing different documents of the company. It will offer a secure way to save the documents and at the same time ensuring the quality of these in the system. Employees can upload, monitor, and view the documents required by the company in a simple and safe environment. It will also help the company in audits and increase the overall income of the company in terms of storage, employee time and printing of document copy.
Key Terms ¾ ERD, hard copy, Model-View-Control (MVC), soft copy