Understanding and Improving Engineering Change Proposal Development Efficiency in Raytheon’s Logistics Management Information - U.S. PATRIOT Database
This project aimed to raise efficiency for development and implantation per Class II ECP (Engineering Change Proposal). The task involved assessing the ECP development process and the intersectionality between inefficiency and knowledge gaps for new engineers. A Lean Six Sigma methodology was used and after a thorough analysis a resulting step by step guide was developed. Experimental data gathered from testing the tool showed a lower development time across a control sample of five small sized ECPs. The median reduction of time across the sample was 19%. Statistical testing was used to correlate the reduction of time with the use of the new tool. A Double-Sample-T-Test and a P-Value evaluation was used with resulting P-value of 0.0218. The P value resulted under 0.05 significance level proving a correlation between use of the tool and lower development time. The problem was addressed successfully. Incorporation of tool and further development is recommended. Key Terms ⎯ Continuous Improvement, DMAIC methodology, Double Sample T Test, Lean Six Sigma, P-Value, Root Cause Analysis.