Replacement of manufacturing plastic containers with 600l stainless steel bins
In order to improve Compression, Coating and Packaging areas at the pharmaceutical company Sandoz in Wilson, NC, it
was evaluated the possibility of replacing the current plastic containers used to hold and transport approximately 13.0 kg of solid tablets with a 600 liters 316L Stainless Steel Bins that can hold up to 400 kg of solid tablets. The main purpose of this project was to reduce human errors, contain and reduce dust in manufacturing rooms, improve ergonomics and reduce costs. In order to improve these aspects of the process, the company decided to execute an Engineering Study to generate justifiable data to support further implementation activities for the replacement. After the execution of the Engineering Study, it was concluded that the replacement was an effective solution to the manufacturing areas current situations. Key Terms ⎯ Acceptable quality limit/level, Engineering Study, Coating, Compression and Packaging.