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dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserveden_US
dc.contributor.advisorCruzado Vélez, Héctor J.
dc.contributor.authorBrenes Catinchi, Joanne
dc.identifier.citationBrenes Catinchi, J. (2013). Zero Waiting Time at the Emergency Room [Unpublished manuscript]. Graduate School, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.en_US
dc.descriptionDesign Project Article for the Graduate Programs at Polytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.description.abstractLong waiting times at the Emergency Rooms are a problem that affects every hospital in Puerto Rico. The main causes of this problem are the lack of patients understanding the purpose of the ER and the inefficient use of the personnel throughout the process or workflow of the Emergency Department. The processes in three Emergency Rooms were studied in an effort to reduce waiting times. It was found that by creating a shorter process of categorization, integrating the end of a process with the beginning of the next one and the ability to inform the patient of the process and it purpose, a zero waiting time for patients that arrive at the Emergency Room is possible. Key Terms ⎯ Emergency Room, Electronic Medical Record, Healthcare, Patient Flow.en_US
dc.publisherPolytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.haspartSan Juanen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate students--Researchen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Subject headings--Unassigneden_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate students--Postersen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate School--Master in Engineering Management degreeen_US
dc.titleZero Waiting Time at the Emergency Roomen_US
dc.rights.holderPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Graduate Schoolen_US

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    Articulos y Carteles de investigación (Poster): Ingeniería Gerencial (MEM) [San Juan, INTEC], Gerencia Ambiental (MEnvM) y Administración de Empresas (MBA)

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