Surge Tank Behavior in the Presence of a Traveling Pressure Wave
This study analyzes the impact of surge tank diameter and pipe friction on pressure
oscillations in the penstock. The results indicate that a specific diameter was identified
where pressure suppression is optimized. Increasing the diameter beyond the 7-meter tank
diameter the pressure oscillation has minimal impact on Zmax. On the other hand, tunnel
roughness leads to decrease in the water surface oscillation amplitude in the surge tank,
suggesting that higher friction within the tunnel contributes to damping pressure waves
following a linear relationship. These findings show the importance of selecting an optimal
surge tank diameter and considering tunnel roughness to effectively manage pressure surges
in hydraulic systems. Future work could explore the impact of tunnel materials and surge
tank configurations on pressure oscillation behavior.
The figure 7 denotes the relationship between Zmax and friction factor. The simulation
demonstrated that as tunnel roughness increases, the friction factor increases, leading to a
decrease in Zmax, which suggests that the increased friction helps to slow down and reduce
the pressure fluctuations within the surge tank. The observed relationship is linear.
This research aims to analyze the response of surge tanks under traveling pressure waves. The study involves
measuring the maximum amplitude of mass oscillation within surge tanks of varying diameters and pipe friction
levels, establishing the relationship between pipe friction and oscillation amplitude, and examining how surge tank
diameter influences pressure suppression. The study found that increasing the surge tank diameter reduces the
maximum water surface level (Zmax) up to a certain point, which is a diameter of 7 meter, beyond which further
increases in diameter the Zmax remains almost constant. Additionally, higher tunnel roughness leads to a linear
relationship between Zmax and friction factor with negative slop dampening the pressure fluctuations in an effectively