Optimizing Syringes Tubs Scanning in the Aseptic Filling Area through a Portable Screen Mobile Scanning System
This research is a comprehensive study of the optimization of the syringe tubs scanning process in aseptic filling area and using the mobile scanning system to reduce lead-time and improve efficiency. Integration of DMAIC methodology as a structured procedure allows for a thorough analysis of scanning procedure during the filling process in March 2024, based on the data collected from the batches filled. The analysis includes the study of the lead times, which displays significant variation across batches, that leads to clear inefficiencies within the pre-implementation of the process The implementation of the mobile scanning
system results in a significant reduction of lead-times. This demonstrates the effectiveness of optimization efforts when it comes to getting the right materials and making the best use of our resources. Standardization, automation, and the implementation of systems are crucial strategies that are needed to support these advancements and make them more productive, efficient, and
profitable. Key Terms ⎯ Aseptic Filling Process, Mobile Scanning System, Process Optimization, Syringes Tubs.