In-process Testing Redesign in Packaging Line of Oral Solid Dosage
Packaging process area request to
redesign the in-process testing to reduce waste and
increase the efficiency during the in-process testing
activities without increase in the defective unit
found by Quality during their final sampling
inspection neither increase, the complaint reports
for the defect evaluated in the Capper Station. To
identify the non-value activities and
waste/reduction opportunities, a total of two years
(April 2017 to April 2019) of in-process tests
results of two products are gathered and
statistically evaluated. Taking in consideration that
testing results and quality historical data (deviation
records, batch records) from those in process
testing resulted in a low occurrence of quality
events, and according to the switching rules
described in the ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, the current
sampling frequency (one sampling inspection every
30 minutes) can be changed the current normal
inspection frequency (every 30 min) to a reduce
mode inspection.
Key Terms ⎯ AQL, In-Process, Packaging,