Designing of a Mobile Application for the Pre-Admission Process of a Vocational School
The Department of Education of Puerto
Rico (DE), has begun to implement and improve its
administrative processes using web technology.
Platforms such as SIE (Student Information
System), a system that collects, manages and stores
all data related to students and the academic offer
in schools, allows the teacher to perform tasks in a
more efficient and cost-effective manner. Although
the DE has made an effort to implement web
technology, the PR school’s still does the preadmission, admission and enrollment processes in
the traditional way of collecting information using
the paper. Process that in the case of the
Vocational School Miguel Such is extremely tedious
and archaic, where much of the data collected is
redundant and poorly processed due to lack of
standardization and protocols in the processes.
This often resulted in duplication of work and the
incurrence of incorrect information causing the
pre-admission process to be affected. The
implementation of mobile technology through the
development of an app, could speed up the preadmission process by guaranteeing the collection of
data in an orderly manner without redundancy and
duplication of work.
Key Terms - Cocoapods, DE, Firebase, iOS,
Pre-Admission, Vocational Miguel Such, Xcode.