QC Downtime on Work - Orders of 100 Pieces or Less for Packaging/ Boxing Area
In this investigation you will obtain
information about a continuous improvement
methods: the A3 Project application. This method
follows the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle which
will be conducted in the production lines for the
first time in a high production medical device
company. It will be focused on reducing the
downtime generated in the packaging areas by the
quality control (QC) inspectors in works of less
than 100 pieces while allowing the inspections to
be completed with a high quality. After several
modifications with personnel from different areas
such as: Planning Department, Quality Department
and Packaging Department as well, was obtained
an agreement in increasing amount of jobs and
updated inspection sheets to standardized
inspection processes facilitate inspectors tasks.
Standardized inspection processes were also
obtained. All the changes performed contributed
notably to a significant reduction of downtime
allowing the company to achieve a higher customer
satisfaction and rating.
Key Terms - A3 Project, DMAIC (DefineMeasure-Analyze-Improve-Control), Lean Six
Sigma, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act).