Effectiveness of Push-Pull Method in a Hydraulic Sales Environment
In today industry of sales, the main
activity is to manage inventory in the fastest way
possible. In the same way a warehouse main activity
is to move the inventory from point a to point b in the
fastest way without ever being out of stock. In a
combine environment dedicate to store and sale
products, these two expectations are meet and
combine. Here the application of a push and pull
system is dedicated to combining a forecast and
Kanban to predict and establish a new sale pattern
and to reduce the amount of stock at the same time.
The work must important venue is the application of
a percentage value while calculating the seasonal
value to permit the process to have an expectancy of
growth assume by the company predictive guidance.
The final forecast done well document the futuristic
of the present atmosphere and can be adjust with a
minimal arrange of the expected growth in the future
and if there is a case where handling of a product go
beyond expectance there is the Kanban to sort the
problem out and recheck the company situation at
the moment. In the future it is recommend to have a
research on the effect of having one cargo ship to
attend the need of an entire population such as
Puerto Rico.
Key terms ⎯ Deseasonal and Seasonal Value,
Forecast, Kanban, Percentage of Growth,