Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 50
Inviscid, Incompressible CFD Solver with Coordinate Transformation for Aerodynamic Applications
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
Fluid mechanics is a complex field of
study with many modern design applications.
Mechanical and aerospace engineers frequently
have the need to analyze fluid flow patterns for
practical design purposes ranging from a ...
Data Center Design and Airflow Management (Insight into Increasing Performance and Efficiency)
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
The formation of hot spots in data
centers is usually caused by the inability to
properly distribute the airflow and not for the lack
of capacity by the cooling system. Airflow
management is essential to reduce the ...
Airfoil Design Using Blade Element Momentum Theory
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
A wind turbine is a device designed to
extract kinetic energy from the wind and convert it
to mechanical energy, which in turn can be
equivalent to electric power. On this work we will
focus on the aerodynamics of wind ...
Optimization of a SDOF Cantilever Beam Piezoelectric Energy Harvester with a Lump Mass at the End Tip
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
With the development of low power
electronics and energy harvesting technology, selfpowered systems have become a research hotspot
over the last decade. The main advantage of selfpowered systems is that they require ...
A Quadcopter Test Bed for Academic and Research on Control Systems Design
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
This article presents the development
of a quadcopter platform to be used for future
academic and research studies in control systems in
the Mechanical Engineering Department at the
Polytechnic University of Puerto ...
Preliminary Wind Turbine Assessment Using Urban Scaling Factors in Puerto Rico
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
Abstract - It is well known that wind energy applications are most effective in wide open areas. As shown in the literature, rather than completely discard the location of wind turbines in urban areas, the reduction in ...
Crecimiento de las Microcavidades en el Área del Cuello bajo la Prueba de Tensión
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
En esta investigación usted encontrará
unos registros de datos e ilustraciones que fueron
analizados sobre una serie de pruebas realizadas a
varios especímenes de aleación de Aluminio 6061-
T6 bajo la prueba de tracción ...
Aircraft Wing Spanwise Air-Load Distribution using MATLAB
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
Aircraft design is a complex task that
involves the interaction between aerodynamics,
propulsion, flight mechanics and structures. In
particular, the structural design tasks involve the
consideration of a significant ...
Central Water-Cooled Chill Water Plant
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
A medical device facility in the island
needs to determine the feasibility of replacing the
existing air-cooled chilled water system at their
main plant with a more efficient water-system in
order to reduce the electric ...
Thermal Diffusivity of a Single Crystal Silicon Wafer n-type Doped with Manganese
(Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
Abstract - The thermoelectric-silicon based material is gaining enormous interest since silicon is abundant and cheap. The thermoelectric materials operate in direct conversion from heat to electrical energy with no mobile ...