Validation of NMAP’s Network Behavior using Wireshark
NMAP is used to actively scan
networks using different ping techniques. There is
not much information available on how NMAP
works besides its website. Although the program
states how it works, there is little validation of its
functionality. Wireshark, a network protocol
analyzer, was used to validate these features in a
test system environment: ping scans, OS detection,
including port scanning and version detection.
Among NMAP’s weaknesses, we find it relies on an
OS Database that should be updated regularly to be
able to detect new operating systems and that its
scans produce a large number of packets, which
might cause detection of the scan in a properly
protected network environment. NMAP’s OS
Database can also be used to simulate operating
systems for network scans, such as in a honeypot,
using a program called honeyd. Any scan in a
foreign network environment should be
corroborated with other tools, passively if possible.
Key Terms - NMAP, Ping Scan, Remote OS
Detection, Wireshark.