Cost Effective and Fast Construction Method of the GRS-IBS Technology
The Geosynthetic Reinforced SoilIntegrated Bridge System Technology (GRS-IBS)
could reduce cost between twenty five to sixty
percent and maybe more from conventional
construction method. This report evaluated the cost
and time between two bridge projects with
comparable characteristics, one using GRS-IBS
technology and the other using a conventional
bridge construction method. Time and costs from
each construction project was gather for analysis
purposes. The time of construction using GRS-IBS
technology represents a 14% of a total time spent for
a conventional bridge construction method and the
21% of the total cost of a conventional construction
method. Because this technology needs less
equipment, different materials construction, less use
of labor and can easily be constructed; provides
more advantages than a conventional bridge
construction method.
Key Terms- Cost Reduction, Easily Fast
Construction, Geosynthetic Reinforce Soil (GRS),
Integrated Bridge System (IBS).