Using Lean Six Sigma Tools to Improve the Laboratory Process Flow in an Analytical Laboratory Located in the Puerto Rico West Region to Increase Quality and Customer Service Satisfaction
During the past years and up to this
day, many Manufacturing Companies in Puerto
Rico are challenged through tough economic
instability and uncertain environment. In an effort
to maintain their operational facilities on-going,
such companies are focusing on cost-reduction and
process optimization in their manufacturing areas.
Some companies consolidate their efforts in one
plant or facility obtaining efficient results. In some
cases, those approaches are not enough to reach
companies goals. Several activities such as
outsourcing laboratory testing are an alternative
that manufacturing companies can look further to
reduce costs. Outsourcing is less expensive when
compared to on-site laboratories. A laboratory
company located in the west region has been
growing over the past years due in part to an
increase in outsourcing demand from companies all
over the island. In order to sustain the increase
amount of workload demand, the company will
need to incorporate lean six-sigma philosophy and
technological elements into their process flow to
meet customer’s needs. The company is challenged
every day to deliver a high quality service
throughout a wide source of materials (excipients
and active ingredient) and different pharmacopeia
specifications. This laboratory company is
committed to achieve their vision through a cultural
adoption of continuous improvements. This article
presents the process improvement of the firm using
the DMAIC approach.
Key Terms - Deliver on Time, Inventory
System Design, Layout Improvement, Lean Six
Sigma in Laboratory Operations, Waste Reduction.