Industrial Espionage: The Cyberspace War
As you may know, the World Wide Web
has become an essential part of our everyday lives.
Electronic communications, storage systems and
computer networks in general have given us the
freedom to do things we never thought possible.
However, with these new forms of communication
and technology come newer and more elaborate
ways of property theft and sabotage. In this paper
we will look at the long history of Industrial
Espionage, its current world leading offenders, and
common hacking tools, techniques and attack
sequences used by infiltrators. We will also cover
appropriate defensive techniques or
countermeasures, and go over domestic and
international laws and penalties that apply to those
that are caught. In the end, understanding the
history of Industrial Espionage, knowing the tools,
techniques and attack sequences, and learning what
countermeasures to use against attackers will give
us the necessary knowledge we need to protect our
networks against cyber espionage threats.
Key terms ― Cyber Espionage, Cyber
Warfare, Industrial Espionage, Malicious Software.