Anti-inflammatory Drug Elution Rate Variability Reduction
This project was focused in the Drug
Elution Rate Variability of an Anti-inflammatory
Drug used in a Medical Device Company. The
project is based on the manufacturing and bonding
process of a DXA Drug Collar that is a component
of a lead manufacturing company. As part of the
Lot Acceptance testing for drug collars, elution
testing is performed. Results must comply both
individual and mean values in order to be
considered acceptable. A failure in a drug collar
lot could result in a cost of scrapping or a field
action. Therefore, there is a need to implement
changes that reduce the variability of the elution
The methodology selected for this project is
DMAIC. A process map will be developed to
identify elements that could be providing variability
in elution rate and provide recommendations for
manufacturing process enhancement. An
implementation plan will be create for proposed
changes implementation.
Key Terms - DMAIC (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Implement, Control), DXA
(Dexamethasone Acetate), FDA (Federal Drug
Administration), Lot Acceptance Test.