Risk & Vulnerability Assessment on Water Treatment Infrastructure against Natural Hazards in Puerto Rico
This research focused on the use of FEMA’s Hazus-Multi Hazard GIS modeling
software for the performance of a risk and vulnerability assessment on drinking
water treatment plants in Puerto Rico against natural hazards. Earthquake
simulation by the software provided damage estimates for the water treatment
plants closest to the epicenter. Based on the damage percentages provided by
the software, an identification of the most vulnerable potable water treatment
facility was accomplished. The limitation for the usage of only earthquake and
tsunami hazards for the island of Puerto Rico, and the complex workings of the
software, limits its potential usage for risk and vulnerability assessments in the
future. With the proper development for the application of multiple hazards
and the update to the default databases for Puerto Rico by the FEMA Hazus
team, multiple risk and vulnerability assessments may be accomplished for
different structures and for different natural hazards.