Privacy in the Cyber Universe
We live in a world where the internet is
almost an essential part of our day to day. We are at
a point where we cannot divorce humans from
technology, or technology from humans, it is part of
us. What is most valuable in that interaction from us
in the cyberspace, is our personal information data.
Data is like gold on this universe and we need to
know how to manage and behave in this world.
There are threats, vulnerabilities, bad people, and
they will do everything possible as long as there is a
motivation to steal your data. How much the internet
knows about us? How much Google or Facebook
know about us? What do we share in the internet and
how is that data stored? These are only a few
questions related to personal information and how
we can manage our data. We are afraid that our
identity will be stolen, but we keep managing our
passwords the wrong way.
Key Terms - Cookies Sniffers, Data Mining,
Internet Cookies, Privacy, Social Media.