Anzeige der Dokumente 1-19 von 19

    • “Easy Checkbook” 

      Ramírez Colón, Orlando (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Por lo general muchas personas tienen problemas llevando sus cuentas bancarias al día ya que cuadrar una chequera es un poco complicado y conlleva mucho tiempo. Este trabajo puede ser más fácil para los clientes con ...
    • Enhancing Mobile Enrollment Procedure using sProject 

      González Fonseca, Samuel Joel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      The sProject is an umbrella that covers three major components. Those components are Image Mapping Tool, Mapping Logic and Image Conversion. The Image Mapping Tool main goal is to configure positions on top of an image ...
    • “EZ Farm” 

      Lozada Fernández, Gilberto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Por lo general muchos pequeños negocios especialmente en el área de la Agronomía de Puerto Rico tienen problemas llevando sus cuentas al día ya sea por la falta de organización o por falta de las herramientas necesarias; ...
    • The Importance of Test and Student Supervision in High Schools through Web Applications 

      Delgado Quintana, Fernando José (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      This paper describes the importance of having a good high school supervision structure and of organizing adequately dates for test evaluations. Student’s supervisions consist of watching that all students are behaving ...
    • Improving The Ordering Service Through An Android Application 

      Ramos, Victor M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      In today’s hectic world people are in a constant search to save time. In the service environment such as restaurants and bars people expect to have a fast and efficient service. But this is not the case in most ...
    • “Inside-Pics” 

      Rivera Valentin, Sheila M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The photography industry has grew and evolved through the times. Nowadays, cameras come with many features that allow users to adjust them as their preference with a minimum effort or knowledge. However, in the case ...
    • Minyx’s Dinner Food Ordering App 

      Mendoza Navarro, Michael J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Smartphone applications are now a massive and valid field for exposure for companies, expansion of consumers’ needs, and convenience for quick and easy access to multiple activities, including gaming, sales, ...
    • Nutri-Fitness Tracker Web Application 

      Negrón Santiago, Josué J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      There are several health programs that intend to help people to drop weight in a natural manner. Novovida Health & Fitness is such a program, which promotes a better eating habit and physical activities in order to ...
    • Orange Dating: Developing Modern Java Web Applications 

      Mercado Millán, William (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Developing a Java web application can be considered too complex for most modern developers, mainly because Java has a reputation of being difficult and requiring lots of coding. However, there are modern tools and ...
    • Project Management Implementation by Administrative Assistant Management Help 

      Duntley Reyes, George (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Administration Assistant Management System is a web based solution to manage tasks. With the purpose to be easy to use, require minimal training and for the use of any office tasks. Utilizing concepts from the project ...
    • Servilistapr.Com –Grade the Service which You Receive, Web Application 

      Robles, Ricardo A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      A web application design is as important and the development of a typical Software development Life cycle (SDLC). The ServiListaPR web application comes to birth from the necessity of the users, trying to search a ...
    • Sistema de administración de propiedades 

      Santiago Rivera, Ángel D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Como empleado de una compañía dedicada a administrar y reposeer propiedades, surge la inquietud de crear un sistema con una base de datos que almacene la cartera de propiedades con las diferentes situaciones que ...
    • Sistema de Administración de Propiedades 

      Santiago Rivera, Ángel D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      Como empleado de una compañía dedicada a administrar y reposeer propiedades, surge la inquietud de crear un sistema con una base de datos que almacene la cartera de propiedades con las diferentes situaciones que caracterizan ...
    • Sistema de Generación y Seguimiento de Solicitudes de Asistencia a los Ciudadanos 

      Correa López, Antonio J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      El 24 de septiembre de 2017, el huracán María azotó nuestra Isla de Puerto Rico y causó daños extremos y la necesidad de ayudar a muchas personas en condiciones difíciles. La necesidad de ser eficientes en los esfuerzos ...
    • Software Program Solution for a Speech Therapy Center 

      Maldonado Santiago, Josué A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Given the need for new alternatives to facilitate the operation of businesses, technological structures continue to be designed to promote the best workload flow. Many choose to find everyday common solutions available to ...
    • Tecnologías de Uso Libre para el Desarrollo de un Sistema de Información Geográfica como Herramienta para la Participación Pública 

      Feliciano Troche, Ulises (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      El propósito de este trabajo es diseñar un Sistema de Información Geográfica utilizando tecnologías de uso libre que provea para la participación pública, permitiendo así establecer un mecanismo adicional para el ...
    • Timesheet Management System Project 

      Alicea Dominguez, Pedro L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      The Timesheet Management System (TMS) is a web application composed of an n-tier architectural design that use ASP.NET framework and best practices in software engineering. Its purpose it’s to maintain track of clients, ...
    • A Web Solution to Waiting Line Problem 

      Torres Carrera, José (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      Abstract – In this article I present an approach to solve the problem of wasting time waiting in a line for product or service. A solution is presented composed of a platform API and a mobile application. The solution ...
    • Work Sampling Mobile Application 

      Martínez Lebrón, David (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Work Sampling is a technique used to investigate the proportions of total times devoted to the various activities that constitute a job or work situation. This statistical analysis or technique constitutes a very ...