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dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserveden_US
dc.contributor.advisorMorales Morales, José A.
dc.contributor.authorRamos Galarza, Vivian A.
dc.identifier.citationRamos Galarza, V. A. (2024). Improvement in the visibility of nonconforming product inventory and reduction, Politechne: Revista de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 22(1), 23-32.en_US
dc.descriptionVolumen 22, Número 1, 2024en_US
dc.description.abstractOne of the major problems reported in a company is the Nonconforming product inventory, reducing the availability to use space for new production lines and storage of conforming product. Company wants to understand why the nonconforming products are exceeding the expected product disposition closure date, why the hold cages are full causing difficulty of locating a particular nonconforming production order in the storage areas. There are key elements of information to understand the actual status of nonconforming Therefore, the implementation of an optimized NC Monitoring Report system, through the using an ERP System, inventory. helps to prioritize Product Dispositions execution, reducing the aging of inventory and improving the allocation of resources to value added activities. After evaluation of current NC Monitoring Report system and proposed new NC Monitoring Report systems, waste removal in the cycle time is reduced Sfrom 223 minutes to 31, which represents a reduction of 86%. Key Terms — Disposition, Nonconformance, Nonconforming product, Product Inventory.en_US
dc.publisherUniversidad Politécnica de Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.ispartofPolitechne: Revista de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico;
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSerie: Publicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico;
dc.relation.haspartSan Juanen_US
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Graduate students--Researchen_US
dc.subject.lcshInventory control
dc.subject.lcshSix sigma (Quality control standard)
dc.subject.lcshWaste minimization
dc.titleImprovement in the Visibility of Nonconforming Product Inventory and Reductionen_US
dc.rights.holderEsta Junta Editorial y la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico hacen constar y reconoce que los autores de los artículos, obras literarias y artísticas publicadas en esta Revista Politechnê, se reservan enteramente los derechos de autor y de publicación de los mismos para los efectos de cualquier ventualidad literaria, publicitaria o de cualquier índole.en_US

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  • Revista Politechnê
    Revista multidisciplinaria de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico (Vol. 1 | Núm. 1 | Junio 1991 - Vol. 22 | Núm. 1 | 2024

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