Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserved
dc.contributor.authorMuñiz La Torre, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorDe Jesús, Antuanette
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Lizardo, Ángel E.
dc.contributor.authorRondón Contreras, Jairo J.
dc.identifier.citationMuñiz La Torre, C. & De Jesús, A. (2024). Air-Based Plasma and its Impact on Bacillus subtilis: Implications for Healthcare Sterilization [Research Poster]. Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.
dc.descriptionFinal Research Poster for the Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Granten_US
dc.description.abstractThis study addresses the limitations of current sterilization methods in the healthcare industry, which expose operators to carcinogens and reproductive hazards, the environment to pollution, and compromise the integrity of polymer-based medical devices. This research focused on generating plasma using a custom-designed electrode system with aluminum and stainless steel as conductive materials and 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) as insulation. The electrode system was designed to operate at Normal Glow Discharge conditions, achieving a pressure of 1.5 × 10−1 Torr, a voltage of 500 V, and an average current of 2.21 mA. The experiments revealed that TSA solution volumes significantly affect vacuum performance and plasma generation, highlighting the need for optimization to improve efficiency and effectiveness.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research project was supported by the HSI STEM Title III Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico “A Multifaceted Approach to Student Centered STEM Education” P031C210139en_US
dc.publisherPolytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesUndergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant 2023-2024
dc.subject.lcshMedical instruments and apparatus--Sterilization
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Biomedical Engineering Department--Undergraduates--Research
dc.subject.lcshPlasma (Ionized gases)--Research
dc.subject.lcshBacillus subtilis
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Biomedical Engineering Department--Undergraduates--Research
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Undergraduates--Posters
dc.titleAir-Based Plasma and its Impact on Bacillus subtilis: Implications for Healthcare Sterilizationen_US
dc.rights.holderPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant

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Zur Kurzanzeige