Anzeige der Dokumente 1996-2015 von 2200

    • The Structure of a Composite Galaxy Model 

      Talavera Balbuena, Claudia E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      The algorithms and numerical methods describes the way of implementing a composite galaxy –bulge area, disk, and galaxy halo- which is modeled as a full three-dimensional entity, using spherical and disk models as ...
    • The Structure of a Composite Galaxy Model 

      Talavera Balbuena, Claudia E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The algorithms and numerical methods describes the way of implementing a composite galaxy –bulge area, disk, and galaxy halowhich is modeled as a full three-dimensional entity, using spherical and disk models as ...
    • Structured Approach for Compliance Determination of FDA Regulated Tablet Compression Process 

      Madera, Juan Carlos (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      Tablets are the most popular unit dosage form used by the Pharmaceutical Industry to provide health treatment to patients in the United States. It is important to control process critical parameters (variables) such ...
    • Students Newsletter (Ed. 03, Spring 2018) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Consejo General de Estudiantes. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Tercera edición del periódico: Students Newsletter. Edición especial dedicada a resaltar artículos relacionados con la recuperación tras el paso del huracán María. La intención es mostrar iniciativas realizadas por integrantes ...
    • Students Newsletter (Ed. 04, Fall 2018) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Consejo General de Estudiantes. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Cuarta edición del boletín estudiantil de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, STUDENTS NEWSLETTER. En este boletín estudiantíl encontrarás actividades estudiantiles e institucionales del 2017. También incluimos ...
    • Students Newsletter (Ed. 05, Spring 2019) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Consejo General de Estudiantes. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2019)
      Quinta edición del boletín estudiantil de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, STUDENTS NEWSLETTER. En este boletín estudiantíl encontrarás actividades estudiantiles e institucionales. También incluimos información ...
    • Students Newsletter (Vol. 01, Spring 2017) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Consejo General de Estudiantes. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Primera edición del boletín estudiantil de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, STUDENTS NEWSLETTER. En esta primera edición, encontrarás actividades estudiantiles e institucionales del 2016, año del 50 Aniversario ...
    • Students Newsletter (Vol. 02, Fall 2017) 

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Consejo General de Estudiantes. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Segunda edición del boletín estudiantil de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, STUDENTS NEWSLETTER. En este boletín estudiantíl encontrarás actividades estudiantiles e institucionales del 2017. También incluimos ...
    • A Study in Wireless Attacks and its Tools 

      Flores, José J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      Abstract - Every day the world is becoming more connected through the use of networks, specifically wireless local area networks (WLANs). At the same time, the significance of wireless security continues to grow. Similar ...
    • Study of Electromagnetic Fields and Effects on the Human Body 

      Torres Ortiz, Sheilly (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022-10-13)
      Exposure of radio frequencies electromagnetic fields (EMF) in recent decades, demands has increased. Bringing new variables into the effects of EMF with human bodies. Our objective is to present an approach into the ...
    • A Study of Green IT Technology 

      Del Valle Caraballo, Fabián A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Each year the global production and development of computer systems increases, this in turn increases the energy demand that these systems require to function. Information technology has a role to play in the ever-increasing ...
    • Study of Preventive Seismic Retrofitting for an Existing Industrial Pharmaceutical Steel Building at Humacao, Puerto Rico 

      Vidal Cordero, Harold (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      Abstract - The project consists on the development of a comprehensive seismic evaluation and possible retrofit for an industrial pharmaceutical steel building. The building was originally constructed during the 1970s ...
    • Study of the density of states in amorphous Silicon-Hydrogen using the semiconductor/electrolyte system 

      Muñoz, William (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1996-12)
      Localized states in amorphous Silicon-Hydrogen are studied by pulsed measurements on the a-Si:H/electrolyte (S/E) system. The S/E interface is essentially blocking to current flow. As a result, surface space-charge layers, ...
    • Study on Blockchain Technologies for Modern Enterprise Applications 

      Rodríguez Pérez, David A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      We are living on a time where emerging technologies are disrupting the way we work in multiple industries. One of these technologies is distributed ledgers called Blockchains. Within the enterprise, we are analyzing and ...
    • A Study on the Effects of Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Shotcrete Mixes Applied over a Dry Clay Base While Exposed to the Sun and Wind 

      Dávila Velázquez, Jorge A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Thin concrete shells used as concrete liners over dry clay dikes suffer from plastic shrinkage cracking for two main reasons: the dry clay base absorbs some of the water in the concrete from below, and high heat coupled ...
    • Sub Assembly Acceptance Optimization 

      Rosa-Delgado, Ann Marie (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      A transactional process has the same opportunities for improvement as a traditional manufacturing process. This article provides a successful example of how the tools and concepts of Transactional Six Sigma can improve ...
    • Subalternos y resistencias en la literatura latinoamericana 

      Lebrón, Luz Nereida (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2024)
      Subalternos y resistencias en la literatura latinoamericana es la colección de nueve ensayos que dividí en dos partes: Por la vereda tropical en la que agrupé los autores pertenecientes al Gran Caribe, aquí se encuentran ...
    • Subcon Report Automation 

      Jiménez Orench, Gilberto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      This project consists of the automation of a report that is done manually on a daily basis at the Finance Department of an aerospace company in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. By automating the report generation, it is expected ...
    • Subscriber line automatic identification number device 

      Lozada, Roberto; Sánchez, Pedro A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1995-12)
      The subscriber line automatic identification number device, SLAIN device, is an apparatus that may be utilized as the subscriber's end section of a telephone privatization system. This system will not utilize any equipment ...
    • Substation Transformer Replacement Plan 

      Sanchez, Josue (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      About half of the Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) substation transformers are above their industry usage limit standard of 45 years and are prone to catastrophic failure. This study critical health data was captured ...