Now showing items 1523-1542 of 2139

    • PARM-IT Process Robustness 

      Matías, José I. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      Long turnaround times to complete requests, mistakes performed by the employees, and ineffective forms used by the clients to submit their requests are some of the problems faced by the employees handling the PARM-IT ...
    • Particle detection tool for liquid product inspection machines 

      García Duprey, Angie Ly (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      Improvements opportunities were found during the inspection process of recent manufactured lots in new manufacturing single-use technology, which was validated due to expected increase in product demand. An increase ...
    • Parts Washer Filling Load Optimization 

      Torres Rodríguez, Nilsa (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Parts washers are used in new manufacturing and remanufacturing processes; they are designed to clean, degrease and dry bulk loads of small or large parts in preparation for assembly, inspection, surface treatment, ...
    • Pasajes anacrónicos: memorias del ancón en Puerto Rico (siglo XIX) 

      Montenegro Torres, Cristina I. (School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Durante el siglo XIX, se formalizó una alternativa para salvar obstáculos en los cruces de los ríos. Con el tiempo, se designa con el nombre de ancón a una barcaza de fondo chato sin propulsión propia que utiliza una cuerda ...
    • Past Due Reduction on 37mm Syringe Filters Manufacturing Line 

      Miralles, Alejandro (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      In Pall Life Sciences Puerto Rico, the past due on the 37mm manufacturing line was at $262,000 and continues increasing. The root cause for this issue is due to a mix of material shortage and customer demand increase. After ...
    • Patillas Dam Failure Analysis Modeling Using HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS Simulation Programs and Geographic Information System 

      Negrón Alfonso, Carlos A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Carlos Negron Alfonso, Master’s in Civil Engineering Candidate, in cooperation with the Final Project conducted a Dam Breach Analysis for the Patillas Dam. This hydrologic and hydraulic study will assess the potential ...
    • Pájaros 

      Marrero, Glendalys (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      Relato de la escritora puertorriqueña Glendalys Marrero: Pájaros.
    • Pensar el espacio, construir identidades: reflexiones en torno a la memoria y el patrimonio arquitectónico del Caribe* 

      Lizardi Pollock, Jorge L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2004)
      As is commonly addressed, the historical narratives encompassed in the architectural field constitute a “memory of power” that often legitimates the political establishment. The difference with other power technologies ...
    • De perderlo todo en un instante... a construir junto a otros nuestros espacios 

      Noboa Ortega, Patricia; Soto Arzat, América (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es compartir los resultados del estudio etnográfico llevado a cabo en la comunidad de San Isidro, Canóvanas, luego del huracán María. En este trabajo queremos contestar: ¿cómo los residentes de ...
    • Performance @ppraisal: Using Empirical Data to Evaluate Job Performance 

      Aponte-Lucena, José A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2010)
      The Performance @ppraisal is a threetier web application implemented in the U. S. Probation Office for the District of Puerto Rico to evaluate the job performance of their staff using empirical data extracted from ...
    • Performance Evaluation in SQL Server 

      Hidalgo Lorenzo, Simonely (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Adatabase table with millionsof rowscould take a long time to retrieve, insert, update,and delete data. The evaluationin thispaperconsists of create indexes, apply normalization process, and create surrogate key to improve ...
    • Performance Evaluation System Web-Application 

      González Hernández, Joselyn (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2012)
      Abstract - This report is focused on explaining the aim of the web tool Performance Evaluation System in an enterprise environment. We will have details of why the decision was taken to design and develop a tool with the ...
    • A Personal Health Monitoring and Emergency Assistance Mobile Application 

      Rosario Colón, Jonathan D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      As digital technology continues to advance; new opportunities arise for enhancing emergency response and health management. The Be Safe mobile application focuses on identifying these opportunities and leveraging today's ...
    • Perspectivas futuras de la demanda energética mundial: el enfoque social de un problema global 

      Nieves Ortega, Carlos I. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1996-06)
      Future perspectives of the energy demand of the world: social focusing of a global problem This article attempts explaining the short- and long-range perspectives of energy consumption as a function of social factors such ...
    • Pesquisa sobre la gestión empresarial de Maruja Fuentes Viguié 

      de Mater O’Neill, María (School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      Esta es una investigación limitada sobre la gestión empresarial de la diseñadora industrial Maruja Fuentes Viguié. El propósito es conocer cómo ella producía a nivel comercial y lograba exportar, en un país donde no hay ...
    • Pérdidas de agua en los sistemas fluviales 

      Díaz, Pedro; Quintero, Jorge (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1993-12)
      In this paper we identify those elements that contribute to the undetermined water losses in the Puerto Rico Water and Sewers Authority. We also provide detailed recommendations to reduce these losses.
    • Phosphate Waste Reduction Initiative 

      Rivera, Edgardo L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Budget Waste Expense increased by more than 20% due to incremental phosphate waste (PHOW) during new product lot campaign at Amgen Manufacturing Limited. This constant PHOW increase was pointing toward a possible root cause ...
    • Photogrammetry and Point Cloud Modeling with the Incorporation of Micro-Drones for Web Mapping Applications 

      Nieves, Efraín A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      Drones and Micro-Drones have played a major role in homeland security and various divisions of the Department of Defense. Needless to say, this technology has passed from military hands to the average citizen. Some may ...
    • Physical and Infrastructure Security IT 

      Ramos Santa, Carlos H. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      This article summarizes all of the important aspects to consider when managing physical security and IT infrastructure issues. To include natural disasters, environmental, technical and threats caused by human interaction ...
    • Piedras Blancas Landslide: Mitigation Works 

      Rendón Ferrer, Janet (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2009)
      Abstract - The Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority has conducted since the 1980s several geotechnical investigations about the Piedras Blancas Landslide in the Municipality of San Sebastian. This landslide has ...