Anzeige der Dokumente 74-93 von 100

    • Plan de Desarollo Sustentable: Reserva Natural Punta Tuna, Maunabo, P.R 

      Lleonart, Michel; Roman Ayala, Joan M.; Ortiz Zayas, Rolando; Rosario, Juan A.; Ramos, Adrian O.; Vazquez Fernandez, Francis
      Este proyecto tiene como norte el desarrollo y la sustentabilidad de la Reserva Natural Humedal Punta Tuna localizada en el barrio Emajagua en el municipio de Maunabo, Puerto Rico. También se trata de concientizar a la ...
    • Proyecto desarrollo de infraestructura ISBU para la cosecha de arroz en Guánica, Puerto Rico 

      Cardona Navarro, Gustavo; Sánchez Mestre, Alexander; Smith Clark, Margueritte; Valconi Llenas, Carola; Verges De Jesús, Rachelle (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2015)
      El proyecto tiene como enfoque el diseño de infraestructura con Unidades Intermodal de Edificios de Acero (ISBU, por sus siglas e inglés) para propósitos agrícolas en el municipio de Guánica, Puerto Rico. La localización ...
    • Recibidor de GPS L1: ¿obsoleto o vigente? 

      Orlandi Guzmán, Anthony
      El uso del sistema de navegación satelital ha estado disponible para propósitos de agrimensura y geodesia desde el 1980, siendo el recibidor L1 la herramienta exclusiva . Con el paso del tiempo se ha ido desplazando éste ...
    • Recolección y Manejo de Aceite Vegetal Usado en el Municipio Autónomo de Carolina 

      Morales Trujillo, Ivette M.; Aponte Alequín, Mónica M.; Cordero Jorge, Alanys L. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2018)
      El aceite usado puede ser reciclado y obtenerse un provecho de este, para usos tales como la fabricación del combustible alterno conocido como biodísel y la fabricación de jabones. El Municipio de Carolina cuenta con un ...
    • Reconstrucción del Centro La Nueva Aurora y Construcción de la Égida La Nueva Aurora 

      Chavarria Pujols, Jennifer; García Correa, Miguel; Merlo Colón, Melanie; Orta Sosa, Ramuel; Ruiz Hernández, Zuleika; Vargas Rosario, Roberto J.
      El propósito principal del proyecto es satisfacer a las personas de edad avanzada que sufren del abandono por sus familiares. Las estadísticas aseguran que para el 2020 se espera que la población de personas mayores de 60 ...
    • Rehabilitación Ciudad Deportiva Roberto Clemente 

      Bursian Oben, Thomas G.; Feliciano Montalvo, Anthony J.; Fernández del Valle, Andrés G.; Martínez Torres, Jaziel E.; Ruiz Vera, Agustín; Soto Chévere, Fernando J. (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2016)
      Por años, la Ciudad Deportiva Roberto Clemente sirvió como herramienta para el desarrollo deportivo y social de jóvenes en Puerto Rico. Actualmente se encuentra cerrada tras años de total abandono. Nuestra compañía, Metric ...
    • Rehabilitación del Parque Lineal Enrique Martí Coll 

      Nazario Berríos, Noel; Rivera Arroyo, Jorge
      El Parque Lineal Enrique Martí Coll es un corredor tanto para peatones como ciclistas que comienza en el corazón de Hato Rey y cuenta con 2,523 metros de largo que bordean parte del Caño Martin Peña y el estuario de la ...
    • Rehabilitación y Expansión del Parque Lineal Enrique Martí Coll 

      Cruz García, Juan C.; Rivera Cruz, Ethos; Santiago Santana, Carla M.
      El Parque Lineal Enrique Martí Coll es un corredor peatonal en el área de Hato Rey que cuenta con 1.5 millas de largo bordeando parte del Caño Martín Peña y el estuario de la Bahía de San Juan, extendiéndose desde la ...
    • Reinforced Concrete vs Structural Concrete Insulated Panels Performance and Cost Comparison for 4-story Building 

      Rivera Marrero, Jorge (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      This paper presents the modeling of a 4- story building to compare the structural behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) versus the structural concrete insulated panels (SCIPS) under the code required loads and deflection ...
    • Relationship Between the Electrical Response of a Skeletal Muscle Versus the Applied Force and the Angle of Flexion 

      Figueroa Medina, Yanelys (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      Studying the relationship between muscle force and some electrical parameters of muscle measured on the surface could serve as an indirect indicator of force that would be useful for various applications In this work, is ...
    • Renewable Energy Lab for Wind & Solar Power System Analysis 

      Calder Acosta, William Rene; Rodríguez, Andrés (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      Renewable energy resources used to produce electric energy, significantly lower CO₂ emissions by substituting non-renewable resource based power generators. Our investigation hopes to support the use of these renewable ...
    • Restructuring of the Enrique Martí Coll Linear Park 

      De Jesús, Wilmer; De Jesús, Emanuel; Echeandía, Edgar; Carmona, Elisandro; Diaz, Carlos; Adorno, Alexander; Fleming, Dereck
      The Enrique Martí Coll Linear Park was built as an elevated concrete walkway that runs along the bank of the Martín Peña canal, designed as an attraction to give a space for people to get away from the concrete jungle of ...
    • Risk & Vulnerability Assessment on Water Treatment Infrastructure against Natural Hazards in Puerto Rico 

      Lugo Montes, Abdiel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020-11-13)
      This research focused on the use of FEMA’s Hazus-Multi Hazard GIS modeling software for the performance of a risk and vulnerability assessment on drinking water treatment plants in Puerto Rico against natural hazards. ...
    • Scrap Tires in Puerto Rico 

      Collazo Hernández, Widallys; Inserni Pagán, Francisco A.; Rodríguez Rosario, Evia Idelisse (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      Scrap tires are considered a solid waste that is currently overpopulating storage facilities; tire shops, and illegal dumping sites in Puerto Rico. These tires present unusual disposal problems due to their physical ...
    • Stabilization of a Spherical Robot 

      González, Kenneth J.; Sánchez, Christian
      Robotics is a multidisciplinary branch of science which combines principles of mechanical, electrical, computer engineering and computer science to design automated systems Our research continues the work started as part ...
    • Storm Water Management Plan for the PUPR & Guidelines for LEED certification of the PUPR Library 

      Alvarado, Stephanie; Amundaray, Juan Carlos; Forte, Emanuel; Urbina, Emil
      This project consist in the construction of a stormwater management plan for the PUPR. The needed storage volume was obtained, using calculation method. The proposed technology for mitigation was StormTech, which are ...
    • Strength Comparison of Flat Roof Solar Panel Mounting Systems 

      Rivera Pagán, Carlos A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      The trend of installing solar panels in residential buildings has been primarily driven by efforts to lower energy costs, signifying a notable shift towards embracing solar energy solutions. The market offers a wide range ...
    • Study of Electromagnetic Fields and Effects on the Human Body 

      Torres Ortiz, Sheilly (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022-10-13)
      Exposure of radio frequencies electromagnetic fields (EMF) in recent decades, demands has increased. Bringing new variables into the effects of EMF with human bodies. Our objective is to present an approach into the ...
    • Supercapacitor Electrodes Based on Modified Carbon Nitride for Applications in Renewable Energy Storage 

      Lomba, Rocío; Ramírez, Andrea (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)
      Supercapacitors are rechargeable electrochemical energy storage devices, whose can store much larger amount of electrical energy in the interfaces between electrodes and electrolyte.
    • Superfund Cleanup Pesticide Warehouse III 

      Saldaña Piñero, Idalisse; Muriel Cruz, Arelys; Santiago Colón, Itzia I.
      The Pesticide Warehouse III (PWIII) is an inactive facility in a rural / residential area located in Manati, PR. During its operational history, various chemicals were spilled from tanker trucks over bare ground and ground ...