• Diseño y reúso para agua de escorrentía pluvial 

      Cruz Berrios, Juan A.; Ortiz Burgos, Josúe; Samot Vera, Erwin; Borges Almodóvar, Raissa; Ortiz Borrero, Josué; Morales Maldonado, Nilda
      Debido a los cambios climáticos que estamos sujetos en Puerto Rico, donde pueden ocurrir periodos largos de precipitación como periodos de baja precipitación, surge la preocupación de conservar este recurso ya que es un ...
    • Diseño y Reúso para agua de escorrentía pluvial 

      Cruz Berríos, Juan A.; Ortiz Burgos, Josué; Samot Vera, Erwin; Borges Almodóvar, Raissa; Ortiz Borrero, Josué; Morales Maldonado, Nilda
      Debido a los cambios climáticos que estamos sujetos en Puerto Rico, donde pueden ocurrir periodos largos de precipitación, surge la preocupación de conservar este recurso ya que es un recurso natural de gran importancia ...
    • Distributed Electric Propulsion 

      Morales, Ángel; Torres Rivera, Aníbal (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019-08-19)
      This investigation focused on predicting aerodynamic improvements obtained when air is blown over a wing by six propellers distributed equally along the wing’s span The purpose was to validate a method to implement Distributed ...
    • El Valenciano Home Care Juncos, Puerto Rico 

      Berríos Nolan, Ricardo; Crespo Claudio, César; Burgos Cauñas, Marilyn; Mangual Meléndez, Eduardo; Cabrera Casillas, Melvin; Quiñonez González, Héctor
      Como parte del proyecto de diseño se propuso la rehabilitación de una estructura abandonada para ser reutilizada como centro de cuidados para personas de edad avanzada. La estructura fue construida en el año 1974 y estuvo ...
    • El Yunque National Forest Welcome Center 

      Cardona Colón, Rafael; Díaz Rodríguez, Alberto; Fernández Pérez, Abner; Guzmán Esquerdo, Carlos; Oliver Torres, Fernando; Sampoll Martínez, Isamar (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      El Yunque National Forest Welcome Center is an auto-sustainable, LEED certified structure designed to provide free of charge forest information and to supply its visitors with basic amenities including a parking area with ...
    • El Yunque National Forest Welcome Center 

      Colón Otero, José; Ferreira Vázquez, Luis M.; Jusino Pérez, José; Ortiz Colón, Félix; Rivera Sánchez, Jackeline; Serrano Mercado, José (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      El Yunque has been a federal forest reserve for over a century. A Welcome enter has been designed to provide the visitors a free-of charge information and basic service facility. The project is been located at the entrance ...
    • El Yunque Welcome Center 

      Marrero, José; Ríos, Abraham; Ríos, Joshua; Rivera, Leonardo; Rodríguez, Damián; Torres, Tony (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2014)
      El Yunque National Forest has a visitor center known as "El Portal del Yunque". Data collected by the administration shows that many visitors pass by without noticing "El Portal", which usually results in operational ...
    • Electrical Properties and Bone Mineral Density Correlation on Canine Cadaveric Cortical Bone 

      Bulted Meléndez, Valeria (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      In this study, the electrical properties of 19 segments of canine cadaveric bones were measured using an Impedance Analyzer E 4990 A using frequencies ranging from 20 Hz 20 MHz with the purpose of identifying a correlation ...
    • Energy harvesting of the human body via piezoelectric & thermoelectric principles 

      Hernández Mustafá, Yazmin; Jorge Collet, Plácido D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      This research aims to delve into energy alternatives for biomedical applications by utilizing waste energy from our bodies. The focus of this study is based on two types of energy harvesting: Piezoelectric and ...
    • Envolvente de un Edificio Resistente a Huracanes 

      Madera Olmeda, Valeria (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021-09-17)
      El paso de un huracán puede ocasionar muchos daños en la envolvente de las casas y edificios (Costa, C., Olona, C., Tombesi, C., 2020). Las fallas principales son en las ventanas y puertas, ya que son los elementos más ...
    • Estado de documentación de la propiedad al ocurrir un crimen ocasionado por un problema de colindancias o asuntos relacionados a la Agrimensura en Puerto Rico 

      Pérez Santiago, Emmanuel
      Esta investigación es una que consiste en una revisión documental donde se presenta el estado de documentación de la propiedad al ocurrir un crimen ocasionado por un problema de colindancias o asuntos relacionados a la ...
    • Estándares para la medición de edificios comerciales 

      Tricoche González, Diana; Ramos Torres, Alberto (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 2016)
      En este proyecto puedes observar como se integra la agrimensura con la tasación utilizando estándares de BOMAS. Para realizar el proyecto utilizamos un edificio comercial de dos niveles . La ubicación física del área de ...
    • Estudio de viabilidad para la eliminación de la Planta de Filtros de Monte del Estado utilizando el área de Servicio de Sabana Grande 

      Camacho, Mercedes; Encarnación, Thais Y.; Medina, Luis G.; Rodríguez, Jean J.; Torres, Francis
      Se estarán evaluando las opciones para cerrar la Planta de Filtración de Monte del Estado en Maricao. Para lograr el cierre de esta planta se deben considerar las oportunidades de conectar los sistemas de Santana I-II-III ...
    • The Evaluation of the National Operational Excellence Index impact over the Private Sector Sustainability in Puerto Rico 

      Desueza Cabreja, Eddie (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      During the past decade, the World Forum Competitive Index (WFCI) from the Island has dropped from 36 (2008) to 32 (2015). This drop is being aligned with the loss of resources from federal tax laws and high utilities/ ...
    • Expansion for the Vega Baja Municipal Landfill 

      Laró Rodriguez, Robinson; Pérez Lorenzo, Zuleika; Robledo Cintrón, Jean; Ruiz Serrano, Nelson; Soto Díaz, Jesuel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      One of the main environmental problems in the island of Puerto Rico is the disposal of solid waste. In the island we have a total of 28 landfills. Most of the landfills in Puerto Rico were constructed before 1970, which ...
    • An Exploratory Study on the Development of Algae-Based Biodegradable Polymer Composite Structures Via Selective Laser Sintering 

      García, Stephanie; Móvil Cabrera, Omar A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      In response to climate change and agricultural runoff affecting the Amazon River, significant accumulations of brown macroalgae, Sargassum, have been observed along the South Coast of North America and the Caribbean since ...
    • Exploring Solutions to Fast Fashion: Development of Sustainable Fabrics Made from Bacterial Cellulose Grown in a Novel Seaweed-Based Medium 

      Cruz, Alondra (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      This research project explores innovative solutions to address two environmental concerns: the detrimental impact of fast fashion on the environment and the widespread macroalgae bloom. The proposed approach involves the ...
    • Fabricating An Ionic Conductive-okra Based Hydrogel For Chronic Wound Healing 

      Segarra Negrón, Addianette J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      It has been reported that nearly 6.5 million people in the United States suffer from at least one chronic wound in their lifetime. One of the community’s are affected by it are people with diabetes mellitus. Hydrogel ...
    • Fabrication and Characterization of 3D Printed Solid Oral Dosage Forms 

      Rodríguez, Dorielis; Carrión, Harry S. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      The pharmaceutical industry has been positively impacted by the 3D printing technique. Nevertheless, it has been poorly investigated. This study, was focused on fabricating solid oral dosage forms manufactured with corn ...
    • Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Mycelium Based Composite Materials 

      Albarrán Pantoja, Loriana L.; Rodríguez Morales, Fabiola (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023-08-31)
      This investigations focuses on characterizing innovative mycelium based composite material The goal is to create sustainable and biodegradable packaging materials that combat waste accumulation By comparing Pleurotus ...