• Automated Hydroponic System Design with Minimal Human Interaction 

      Santos De Jesús, Omar X. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      The design of an automated hydroponic system follows from the need of having a system that works through difficult situations. A situation involving a power outage is considered a major problem since the plants in the ...
    • Automated Potting Machine: Design, Development, and Implementation 

      Rivera Berrios, Steven D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      Curtis Instruments, a renowned pioneer in the electronics industry, operates a manufacturing site in Carolina, Puerto Rico that is a vital component of its global supply chain. Despite being at the forefront of technological ...
    • Automated Services Order System 

      Díaz Carcache, Rafael E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      It is very common to see that in many restaurants, whether they are economic or gourmet, the customer always has a problem when ordering or paying for his order. Some of the reasons for these situations can be caused ...
    • Automatic Document Digitalization: DocDigitice 

      Rivera Acevedo, Ramón J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      In today’s technological era, the use of cloud computing and cloud storage has become the norm for many big companies. This is no different for Health Insurance Organizations that are regulated by various corporations such ...
    • Automatic Documentation Generation Tool for Software Integration Phase in NGPF Program Engines 

      Torres Martínez, Marycarmen (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2016)
      The actual process of HardwareSoftware Integration [1] takes too much time for completion due to the required documentation, and that is costly for the customer. Creating this tool help us to reduce significantly the ...
    • Automatic Syringe Mechanical Power Transmission Improvements 

      Mateo De La Rosa, Ruddy A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2017)
      A company that manufactures medical devices, and which is located in the south of Puerto Rico, is presenting problems in a high-speed automatic syringe inspection line. The syringes are transported through conveyor lines ...
    • Automatic Tank Gauging System: A Next Generation Tool for UST 

      Rosa Rosario, José J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2015)
      A settlement between the United States and Total Petroleum Puerto Rico Corp was agreed to improve leak detection in their gas service stations. The automatic tank gauging with a centralized monitoring system is the method ...
    • Automation of Final Test Station in the Manufacturing Process of a Medical Device Facility 

      Fontanez, Samuel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      The IS-4 Final Test Station will incorporate the entire test needed to assure that the leads that are manufactured in Boston Scientific are built with a high quality standard that will assure the safety of the patient. ...
    • Automation of Guidewire Packaging Lines at ABBOTT Laboratories Vascular Division 

      Rodríguez Flores, Pedro L. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      With the increasing demand for guidewires worldwide, Abbott decided to make changes in the manufacturing line in order to meet these demands. In an evaluation of the manufacturing process, they considered that the area ...
    • Automation of Plasma Diagnostics at Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico 

      Sánchez, Samuel; Colmenares, Franklyn; González Lizardo, Ángel E.; Leal Quirós, Edbertho (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2008)
      This work presents an ongoing effort to develop an automatic measurement system for plasma diagnostics at the Plasma Engineering Laboratory of Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, along with an example of its operation. ...
    • Automation of Variables Recording Process to Reduce Rework and Decrease Scripting Time 

      Arroyo Rivera, Jonataniel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2018)
      The companies of aerospace services need to maintain the highest quality of their product. Therefore, this project will focus in the improvement of a process when verifying and validating system level requirements. For ...
    • Automation Process of testing scripts in the Aerospace Industry using VBA 

      Granda Marulanda, Nelson A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2011)
      Abstract - The use of computers and their computer languages, created to help with the manually tasks done by an operator has become now days really imperative. The evolution of the software used on normal work environment ...
    • Automatización de una Manejadora de Aire con Purificador Integrado 

      Sánchez Hernández, Kevin A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2021)
      Un centro comercial tomóla decisión de automatizar su sistema de unidades de aire acondicionado. Esto se realizócon el fin de generar un ahorro energético en un periodo corto de tiempo. El númerode ...
    • Automatización del Proceso de Creación de Cotizaciones y Facturas Utilizando Aplicaciones Web Desarrolladas Utilizando PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5 y MySQL 

      Pagán Rivera, Christian (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2013)
      Facturación, aspecto crítico de cada negocio ya que es la última impresión que una compañía le da al cliente luego que una venta es completada. Para una toma de decisiones efectiva es crucial tener de forma accesible ...
    • Automatización Y Optimización Del Garaje Rivera 

      Torres Soto, Dorian E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2020)
      Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un mecanismo que pueda ser utilizado con fines de documentación. Se efectuará en un taller de mecánica en el cual se busca automatizar y optimizar diferentes partes del proceso. ...
    • Automatization of the Patch and Serter Installation System’s Sensor Transference Step 

      Rios Santiago, Rafael (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2022)
      The Patch and Serter Installation System is one of the multiple computerized systems that composes the Cell Operating System (COS) assembly lineat Medtronic Juncos Campus as part of the Project Synergy. This equipment ...
    • Automobile Cabin Water Leak Resolution 

      Ortiz Sánchez, Jean (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      An automobile manufacturing company is concerned with the recurring number of claims for repairs on their vehicles. Customer satisfaction is down, because of water leaks inside their vehicles through the roof antenna hole. ...
    • Autonomous Driving Supercomputer Assembly Air Cooling of Rear On-Board Cooling System Heat Exchanger 

      Hernández Mojica, Erick (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      The Autonomous Driving Supercomputer Assembly for autonomous vehicles is likely to fail if it is not adequately cooled during test. The project research is divided into three phases: demonstrating through mathematical ...
    • Balloon Final Inspection System 

      Morales Quiñones, Irvin D. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2019)
      This paper presents an innovative and automated system to improve the current inspection process of the balloon of the catheters. The human factor could affect the product quality because the operator output and accuracy ...
    • Banco de pruebas de relés 

      Figueroa, Heriberto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1993-12)
      Description of a test bench that simulates the operation of the protection system of a transmission center. The test bench developed integrates several electromagnetic devices, known as relays, that work together to protect ...