Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.rights.licenseAll rights reserved
dc.contributor.advisorTorres Vélez, Wilfredo
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Robles, Elvis
dc.identifier.citationSánchez Robles, E. (2024). Solutions to Prevent Heat Stroke Deaths in Vehicles: Ensuring Safety for Infants and Pets [Research Poster]. Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant, Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.
dc.descriptionFinal Research Poster for the Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Granten_US
dc.description.abstractThe increasing incidence of heatstroke deaths among children and pets left in vehicles highlights the critical need for effective preventive solutions. This research aims to analyze existing technologies, identify their limitations, and develop a more efficient, universally compatible system. Our analysis revealed significant shortcomings in existing products, such as dependency on internet connectivity and incompatibility with various vehicle models. Our prototypes addressed these issues with a standalone system that enhances safety without mobile devices. The final solution demonstrated substantial improvements in reliability and ease of installation, incorporating multiple components such as pressure sensors, Hall effect sensors, and infrared sensors, ensuring continued operation even if one sensor fails. The alert mechanisms, including a beeper and the car's internal horn, are designed to function independently from other components. The system uses a solar panel charger for the control unit and rechargeable batteries for the sensors, all connected via Bluetooth. This design creates a functional design with backup features using different sensors and alerting devices, preventing accidents and deaths caused by heat strokes on infants and pets, and improving vehicular safety for all families.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research project was supported by the HSI STEM Title III Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico “A Multifaceted Approach to Student Centered STEM Education” P031C210139en_US
dc.publisherPolytechnic University of Puerto Ricoen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesUndergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant 2023-2024
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department--Undergraduates--Research
dc.subject.lcshPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico--Undergraduates--Posters
dc.subject.lcshHeat stroke
dc.subject.lcshChildren's accidents--Prevention
dc.subject.lcshVehicles--Heating and ventilation
dc.titleSolutions to Prevent Heat Stroke Deaths in Vehicles: Ensuring Safety for Infants and Petsen_US
dc.rights.holderPolytechnic University of Puerto Rico, Undergraduate Research Program for Honor and Outstanding Students HSI STEM Grant

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Zur Kurzanzeige