Prescription Timeliness Prediction Using Machine Learning
Adherence is a very important aspect
for each patient enrolled in a Prescription Drug
Plan, a large gap between claim fills is an indicator
that they might be disrupting their therapy. This
could be due to unavailability, high drug costs or
any other factor. The prediction of when each
patient would go and get a refill or set a medical
appointment to receive a new prescription would
highly reduce such gaps and increase adherence.
The purpose of the program is to predict when
these occurrences might take place, using historical
data, to better tailor adherence programs to a
patient’s schedule. The methodology involves
implementing Machine Learning utilizing R
Services within SQL Server 2017. Using the
information available an accurate prediction was
not established using only demographic
information. Additional historical information on
an individual patient basis is necessary to be able
to establish a more robust prediction
Key Terms Adherence, Machine Learning,
Prescription Timeliness Prediction, Prediction
using R in SQL Server.