• Golden section search solution of single variable optimization problems using MathCad 

      Veras, Eduardo J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-06)
      The method of solution presented in this article is based on a searching technique known as the Golden Section Rule. This method can be used for solving single-variable optimization problems without constraints, but for ...
    • Colapso de un muro de contención construido con mampostería 

      Díaz Vázquez, Clariluz; Tito Izquierdo, Jorge A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-06)
      This study presents the analysis of a masonry retaining wall, typically built in Puerto Rico to stabilize and retain slopes. How safe and well built are these walls?. Have they the adequate resistance to efficiently retain ...
    • Disposición adecuada de desperdicios 

      Vélez Delgado, Gilberto A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-06)
      En abril la Autoridad de Desperdicios Solidos celebro el mes de reciclaje y manejo adecuado de los residuos solidos. En mayo se celebro en Puerto Rico la semana del ingeniero y el agrimensor. Posiblemente se estaran ...
    • Experiencia con el proceso de mejoramiento de la calidad en una empresa manufacturera 

      Márquez, Manuel (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-06)
      The successful implementation of a continuous quality improvement process in a manufacturing enterprise requires that certain vital conditions are present. It is also essential that those conditions be fully developed ...
    • El Politécnico (Año 4, Número 11, Octubre 1997)  

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Oficina de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-10)
      Periódico El Politécnico (Año 4, Número 11, Octubre 1997) órgano oficial de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, se publica con una periodicidad trimestral.
    • Architects and engineers: What makes the difference? 

      Vélez Delgado, Gilberto A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      The historic dispute between architects and engineers, particularly civil engineers, is nonsense. Both professions are prestigious and dedicate themselves to covering separate and distinct aspects of the design of buildings ...
    • Group technology and cellular manufacturing systems: an introduction 

      Cedeño, Angel A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      Global market competition is changing the nature of the present and future marketplace to a highly dynamic environment. Product variety is high and individual product demands are low. Also, customer's demand for faster ...
    • Design and implementation of a virtual keyboard to aid handicapped people to use computers 

      Pérez García, Julio A.; Reilova Barletta, Rafael (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      This article describes our Capstone Design Project. The project requirements were to design and implement an interface software, to create a virtual keyboard on screen, optimized for typing Spanish language, controlled by ...
    • Dynamic analysis of rigid pavements and bridges under moving vibrating trucks 

      Rodríguez Agrait, Leandro; Tito Izquierdo, Jorge A.; López Rodríguez, Ricardo R. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      The computer program UPR-PAVI2 was developed to perform the dynamic analysis of a pavement slab or a bridge superstructure loaded with moving vibrating trucks. UPR-PAVI2 can model the soil, slab and truck, considering their ...
    • Strain gauge and micrometer instrumentation of a truss structure 

      Amado González, Vanessa; Ortiz Marti, Luis A.; Batista Soto, Julian; Peña Rosado, Edwin; Tito Izquierdo, Jorge A.; Collazos Ordóñez, Omaira M. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      This project was performed as part of the Structural Analysis courses in order to compare theoretical results of the response of simple structures with the experimental results obtained at the Structures Engineering ...
    • El Politécnico (Año 4 Número 12, Diciembre 1997)  

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Oficina de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1997-12)
      Periódico El Politécnico (Año 4, Número 12, Diciembre 1997) órgano oficial de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, se publica con una periodicidad trimestral.
    • El Politécnico (Año 5, Número 13, Marzo 1998)  

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Oficina de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-03)
      Periódico El Politécnico (Año 5, Número 13, Marzo 1998) órgano oficial de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, se publica con una periodicidad trimestral.
    • Un universo de radiación 

      Iriarte, Modesto (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      During the last two decades there has been an increase in the worrines of the people regarding the proliferation of electromagnetic fields and their effects on the human body. In this article we explain the basic principles ...
    • Nonoccupational noise exposures and their hazards: a literature review 

      Pesante Santana, José A. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      Noise pollution has been extensively studied during the last 30 years. Although most of the government regulations protect the vast majority of the workforce in the in the United States, they fail to consider the workers' ...
    • Low-volume speech 

      Sánchez, Armando (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      This project is the outcome of the necessity of a female patient of Parkinson's disorder and hearing disability of having someone to tell her to speak louder when her voice level could not be heard. The idea was to build ...
    • New technologies in mathematics 

      Sarmiento, Jorge (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      Throughout the ages, the development of computational instruments runs parallel to the development of mathematics playing an important role in the dissemination of this subject matter and its applications. Nevertheless, ...
    • Vertebral arteries 

      Stewart Torres, Alvin; Lutz, Robert J. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      During the investigation period, which lasted almost four months, we made a research of the vertebral arteries in the posterior part of the head in children. During this time we investigated the size, diameter and the blood ...
    • Formulación de un modelo lagrangiano de partículas para simular la difusión de contaminantes atmosféricos. I 

      Méndez Tejeda, Rafael (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-06)
      One of the most relevant aspects the atmosphere is its capacity for transporting substances, heat or momentum vertically among different levels. This property is of fundamental importance in the troposphere because otherwise ...
    • El Politécnico (Año 5, Número 14, Septiembre 1998)  

      Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico. Oficina de Mercadeo y Comunicaciones. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 1998-09)
      Periódico El Politécnico (Año 5, Número 14, Septiembre 1998) órgano oficial de la Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, se publica con una periodicidad trimestral.
    • Aplicación de sistemas de información geográfica en el análisis de la isla de calor urbana 

      Matos Flores, Raúl; Rodríguez Rivera, Marisol (Universidad Politécnica de Puerto Rico, 1998-12)
      An urban heat island has been described as the difference in temperature between the city and its peripheral rural area. It is caused mainly by the growth of the city not taking into consideration the conditions previous ...