• Employee Guide to Cybersecurity and Cyber Threats 

      Feliciano Cruz, Emily Y. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      Cybersecurity is a growing concern for companies and workers due to the growing threats posed by technology. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for protective shields, with malware being a major threat. WannaCry, ...
    • Introducción a la Ciberseguridad a Través de Amenazas Cibernéticas 

      Vaccaro, Ricardo Raúl (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      La ciberseguridad se ha convertido en uno de los conceptos más importantes de estos tiempos. Esto se debe al avance exponencial tecnológico que ha ocurrido en el siglo XXI. Debido a este avance tecnológico, los estudiantes ...
    • Predicting the Housing Market with Machine Learning 

      Díaz Martínez, José E. (Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico, 2023)
      The aim of this project is to build a machine learning model for predicting housing market prices using a dataset that includes information about MSSubClass, MSZoning, LotArea, LotConfig, BldgType, OverallCond, YearBuilt, ...