Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing Applications on Facilities Management to Reduce Overtime
In essence, Six Sigma is a methodology
originally designed for manufacturing to
understand and reduce sources of variability. This
can also be called margin of error when
performing any operation or manufacturing of
product. When we implement six sigma in
facilities management and maintenance it
relates to keeping all activities and/or
operations to optimum working condition. When
applied to facilities management, the concept has
been to maximize the uptime of equipment to make
them as reliable as possible. Six Sigma Practices
try to accomplish this by establishing and enforcing
basic business practices. The intention of this
document is to provide a guideline that will provide
step by step tools and actions on how to make every
process more efficient. The scope of the design
project is to use Six Sigma methodology to reduce
the quantity of overtime hours that has to be
worked when having multiple projects running at
the same time with limited personnel to work on it.
Key Terms - Facilities Management, Lean
Six Sigma, Overtime Hours, Six Sigma.